This administration is now blaming the Insurance companies for - TopicsExpress


This administration is now blaming the Insurance companies for canceling millions of Americans health insurance policies. Blame, blame, blame, thats all they do. The dems and the president own this health care debacle. They blamed Bush for all their failures the last 5 years. They take responsibility for nothing. The smartest and brightest president in the world doesnt know of practically any major things that goes on in his own administration. He finds out on the evening news when you do???!!!! LMBO. It is predicted that 90 thousand doctors will leave the medical field in 6 years, 18 of the top major hospitals will not participate with Obamacare. Many doctors are now refusing new Medicare and Medicaid patients. Do you know what this means?! 15 million or 30 million, or 40 million people, whatever the number, it keeps changing everyday, newly- Obamacare insured waiting to see the few doctors that remain. Like Europe, Canada, and places all over the world where they have government command and control health care, you will wait 6 months to see a doctor, or maybe an intern, or maybe just a nurse. This means, as Sarah Palin warned, rationed government health care. This means less quality health care costing a helluva lot more money. Now, we find out that many corporations insurance policies will not be Obamacare compliant by the end of THIS year, and they will be forced to drop their insurance plans. This is expected to affect 93 million Americans by Obamacares own estimates, and the administration knew it as they lied to you everyday with believable passion, especially to entrap the low information voters. You will most likely be one of the 93 million forced into substandard-government mandated health care insurance policies. This was all planned and designed by Obama and socialists/communists democrats now running the country! People, the democrats and Obama are not shocked by whats happening; they are pretending to be in order to fool you. Their intent is to control you. They know they have absolute control over you when they control your health care! NSA is another tool they will use. After all the lies to lure you to vote for them, why on earth would you continue to trust them or believe anything they say now?! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! No republican voted for Obamacare, no not one. Obama, Kathleen Sebelius, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the democrats used a leviathan approach to pass Obamacare. They own it. It cant be fixed. It most be repealed and replaced. Get on board, and get on board now. Many more will be without health care coverage on 01-01-14; some of these people have stage 4 cancer. If that pathetic website is not working, they could die!!! Why did I know what was coming 5 years ago at the election of Obama? Why have I been able to warn you? Because I am a well-informed voter, like most conservatives and the Tea party types. We dont just pay attention at election cycles. We stay informed and involved all year round. I am a news junky. I am a high-information voter, and this is not a boast. It is simply a fact. Wake up America. I am doing what I can to help you see and understand. The mainstream media, finally, after 5 years, now is telling you what I have been alerting you to all these years. I am just here to educate and inform. Sorry, I dont feel like proof reading this long post. I will peruse it.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 11:58:14 +0000

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