This aint exactly surprising ~ Hollywood shut down the entire - TopicsExpress


This aint exactly surprising ~ Hollywood shut down the entire Australian movie industry after bushranger films started gaining popularity internationally. And money. Back in the day. Pollies in the US said that Australian bushranger films were promoting terrorism *eye roll*. And, like Ive said before, both of Australias most popular online newspapers (news ltd and SMH) are owned by US citizens. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has said that Julian Assange should receive the death penalty for Wikileaks. Its probably nicer to be brainwashed by the US then a lot of other Governments around the world.... but is it... Corruption? Yes. It totally is. ~ To understand the Dotcom situation, it’s helpful to look at the geopolitical pressures being applied. As the Pacific quickly becomes the cold war friction point between America and China, both are exerting their influence to guarantee economic and cultural dominance. While China has quickly become New Zealand’s largest trade partner, America is attempting to force what some see as a draconian free trade deal called the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). America doesnt care if New Zealanders buy their flatscreen TVs from China, they care that we watch their shows, their culture, their values and their economic hegemony. This is the expansion of soft power by a Corporate Hollywood who have managed to have their profit margins elevated to a national security strategy. Which brings us to Kim Dotcom. Dotcom became a symbol of all that was threatening the intellectual property dominance of Corporate Hollywood, his Megaupload site had 50 million daily visits and accounted for about 4 percent of total internet traffic. Dotcoms success was a threat to Hollywoods business model—enough of a threat to be made an example of. Days after Hollywood’s chief lobbyist, former Democrat Senator Chris Dodd, threatened to withhold donations for Obamas 2012 re-election campaign, the White House launched their legal action against Kim Dotcom. vice/en_au/read/some-final-words-on-how-crazy-new-zealands-election-campaign-has-been
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 13:19:09 +0000

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