This are just a few words I been writing since like last year but - TopicsExpress


This are just a few words I been writing since like last year but its taken me ages to write because I wanted it to make sense ---------- for the people who selfharm ♥️ I love you keep fighting x --------------------------------- Sometimes maybe you just want to curl up and into a ball, and cry or fall through the hole in the wall because your so worried about what people call you and what they say about you because it dont make any sense sometimes maybe you wish you wasnt here anymore and that god would just end it all because the way you are being treated its like your a nobody like something on someones shoes because its just a joke and you are sick of people using you, twisting your mind into any emotion they want because they want to make your life hell or someone saying go die they want you to leave sometimes maybe on the outside you feel like a teen whilst on the inside you are old and weak because the people who are making your life hell has bruised you mentally and physically sometimes maybe you just want to go to that pace where your happy or be with friends sometimes you feel invaded like someone is coming and tramping on your heart or when you sleep at night they are in your dreams sometimes you try and tell someone like your mum or dad but you feel like they are to busy to understand you so you try and talk to your so called friends but they have left and gone with the cool kids some times you try and end your life because you cant take feeling alone anymore even tho people say that they are here for you you cant take your life but you get to the point you take out the knife and cut your arms because its the only way you dont see the pain and after you just sit there and cry at night all alone just sometimes there is a light at the end of the struggle you pluck up the strength to tell someone and then your problems seem to go away your life changes and meet new people and make new friends sometimes you just need a helping hand and remember its okay to talk about it I am here for anyone who needs advice but never give up the fight I know you feel alone but your not I know you want to just vanish but there is no need you can only change you not for anyone else
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 22:29:31 +0000

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