This article about the Islamic vision of Christ Jesus son of Mary. - TopicsExpress


This article about the Islamic vision of Christ Jesus son of Mary. Browse for similar addresses, see Christ (disambiguation). Jesus son of Mary The name of the Prophet of Allah Isa thuluth [1] Son of Mary, Christ, the Messenger of Allah, the prophet of God, Facet, holy, Abdullah [2] Born in almost 7 s. M to 2 s. Pm [3] Worshipful (s) in Islam, Christianity Jesus son of Mary and is also known as Jesus in the New Testament, is the messenger of God and Christ in Islam, and is considered one of Oulu determination of the Apostles [4], sent to lead the children of Israel to the Bible New, a gospel [5], preferably Muslims add the phrase peace be upon him after named the prophets as a whole. Faith in Jesus (and all the prophets and messengers) duty in Islam, and is a requirement to be a Muslim. Issa said his name 25 times in the Koran, while Mohammed mentioned 4 times [6] [7]. Quran mentions that Jesus was born of Mary, Imran girl, is the miracle of his birth, where they carried him a virgin without the intervention of a human being, by order of God. Supports the mission, when Issa was the ability to do some miracles reviving the dead, the blind and vision, God willing. According to the Koran, the Jesus was not crucified, did not kill any other way, but God raised him. The same all the apostles in Islam, the Muslim Jesus is, any underwent Gods command, and Mtbaanh advised to choose the right path. Islam rejects the idea of the Trinity, that Jesus is God incarnated, or the Son of God or it is a solid or the resurrection of Jesus, or to atone for the sins of mankind. The Koran mentions that Jesus himself did not claim these things, and also indicates that Jesus negate his claim of divinity in the Day of Resurrection, and Allah will defend him. [8] The Quran emphasizes that Jesus preached van, like all the prophets and apostles and that he was chosen to spread the message of God. And deny the divine word of God engaging with others, and that the unification of God is the only way to survive. Muslims believe that Jesus will return to Earth when approaching doomsday to achieve justice and defeat the Antichrist [9] [10]. Contents [hide] 1 recipes Isa 2 the story of Jesus in the Quran 2.1 Annunciation 2.2 birth 2.3 message 2.3.1 download books 2.3.2 Apostles 2.4 Lifting 2.4.1 alternative explanations 2.4.2 coming again 3 in Islamic belief 3.1 Theologia 3.2 reference to Muhammad 4 References 5 See also Issa recipes [edit] Part of a series Islam Prophets of Islam in the Quran Apostles and prophets · Adam Idris Noah Hood · · Fit Ibrahim · Lot · Ishak Ismail · Jacob Joseph Ayoub Shoaib · · Aaron Moses Joshua son of Nun Zulkifli Sulaiman · · · David Elias Uzair Elisha · Younis · Yahya Zakaria Jesus son of Mary Mohammed bin Abdullah V · d · Based on several conversations of the Prophet Mohammed, Jesus can be described as morally so (he saw Mohammed on different occasions, for example, in a dream, or in Ascension or described when describing the second coming) [11]: Burly man average length of broad chest. Pale hair, curly, long located between his shoulders. Impregnated his skin as red, or light brown color. People like him Urwa ibn Masud al-Thaqafi. The story of Jesus in the Quran [edit] Quran mentions the story of Jesus beginning with his birth, and his mother worshiped in the temple in Jerusalem, when it was under the auspices of the prophet Zechariah, who was the father of the Prophet Yahya [12]. He then moved to carry the story of Mary, Jesus, God, who Astefaha the worlds, to bear Jesus, a virgin. Annunciation [edit] Mary was inside the temple when he visited King Gabriel and who brought to the birth of the son complexion Sarah sacred [13]. Koran said that God sent through the human Gabriel to Mary, the generosity of God among all women in the world. Gabriel told Mary she would give birth too sacred a son, named Jesus, and that it would be a prophet, and that God will descend upon the Bible. And told her that Jesus will speak and will speak as a child, a middle-aged, and it would be righteous. When Mary heard this news, I asked Gabriel about how to carry pups and she did not untouched man was not corrupt. [14] Gabriels response: (as well as God creates what he wants if he spent a thing He says to it [15]). Quran mentions that Jesus ordered the creation of God, and compare his creation the creation of Adam, where Adam was created without religion, but his command (Be). The answer was the same to Zakaria, how loaded his wife, Elizabeth, a great age [16]. Birth [edit] Quran mentions the story of the birth of Jesus virginity several times. Holy Mary said that when she was a passenger in the desert of Bethlehem, comes the pain of labor. During her pain and weakness, God the dawn of water flowing from the ground under the order made by the drink. It was Mary during Throes near the Palm, he asked her to shake the trunk of the flaking it wet and eat. Cried Mary of pain and stuck Balnkhalh, until I heard a voice from underneath (to understand some of that this voice of Jesus, who is still in her womb, and the other that of the king) says: (Vadaha underneath not grieve may make the Lord come into contact with a secret and shake the trunk of the palm tree fresh ripe dates upon you, and I feel very much drink and villages in kind). That day, Mary was born in the middle of the desert. After forty days, carried her son Jesus and Mary returned to the people. Mary ordered to speak to people on that day, where Jesus will God speaks, where Muslims believe that Jesus actually spoke in the cradle and it was the first miracle. After that, I went to the temple Mary has ridiculed the monks temples others, but Zakaria safe and supported her story. Accused the monks of Mary that she became a woman a slut and she felt a strange man without marriage. Mary responded by referring to her son and tell them to speak to him. But the monks were upset because they thought that Mary makes a mockery of their request that the preaching of the infant. Then speak of God Jesus from the cradle, and spoke of his prophecy, saying: He said I am Abdullah has given me the Book and made me a prophet and made me blessed wheresoever I and advised me prayer and almsgiving so long as I live, land, my mother did not make me mighty naughty and peace on the day I was born and the day I die and the day I live. [9] 17] Message [edit] According to Islamic texts, Jesus was chosen to convey the message of monotheism and faith in God and submit to him the children of Israel. Download books [edit] Muslims believe that God revealed to Jesus a new holy book called the Bible, and also search for the truth in previous books such as the Torah and the Psalms. Spoke about the Holy Bible that he sends in the hearts of Mtbaanh piety and humility. But the real message of the Gospel misrepresented and changed many times in different times. Mentioned in the Koran for the Bible: Came down to you the Book in truth, confirming what his hands and sent down the Torah and the Gospel. [18] And Agafina on their tracks in Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the hands of the Torah, and We gave him the Gospel in which was guidance and light and confirming the hands of the Torah, and a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah and govern the people of the Bible as God revealed it is not judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are the transgressors. [19] Apostles [edit] Quran mentions that Jesus was supported by the Apostles and believe in his message. Quran did not mention the names of the apostles, but the male models from the delivery of the message to them Isa. He stated in the Quran that the disciples believed in: When Jesus sensed their disbelief, said Ansari of God said to the Apostles Ansar Allah We believe in Allah and I bear witness of our Lord PANA Muslims, including a safe unloaded and we follow the Apostle Vaketbna with two witnesses [20] The longer the story of God mentioned in the Quran about the apostles when he asked the Apostles that they descend from the sky table, to prove that Jesus actually a prophet and that the real message arrives: It said to the Apostles, O Jesus, son of Mary Can the Lord to come down to us a table from heaven said, fear Allah if you are believers saying we want to eat them and reassure our hearts and we know that may Sedktna and be out of the witnesses said Jesus the son of Mary O Lord sent down to us a table from heaven be us a feast for Olna and we delay and verse and you grant us and you are the best of providers God, I said its her you disbelieve after you, I do not torment Oazbh Oazbh one of the worlds [21] Lifting [edit] Islamic texts categorically rejects the idea of steel or death attributed to Christ Jesus the son of Mary in the New Testament [9] [22]. Koran said that people (ie the Jews and the Romans) sought to kill Jesus, but they did not crucify him or kill him, but they almost. Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified but was raised to the sky, ascended to heaven by God. This climb is understood that it is not only a spiritual ascent, but the rise of my soul and my body. And saying We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah and killed him and crucified him, but they almost those who differed from him which is in doubt as they have learned only conjecture to follow, and him for sure, but God raised him and Allah is Mighty, Wise. [23] Discuss interpretations of scientists who refuse to drive, I wrote the Department of Islamic knowledge: «Denial, moreover, in agreement with the logic of the Koran. Bible Stories copied (such as Job, Moses, Joseph, etc.) related to Islam on the beginning of the year they prove God to achieve victory of faith finally on the forces of evil and adversity. The ease with hardship, that with hardship comes ease (Explanation 5.6) the death of Jesus on the cross means the victory of his killers, but the Koran confirmed they failed: Allah defends those who believe (Hajj 38) and devised the cunning of God and God is the best of planners (Al-Imran 54)» Alternative explanations [edit] For a majority of Western scientists [24] and Jews [25] [26] and the Christians that Jesus died, but Muslims believe that Jesus ascended to heaven without being crucified, but about God form another man to show the same shape and form of Christs crucifixion in his place. Jesus physically ascended up to heaven, and there is still so down again near the Day of Resurrection. Coming again [edit] Muslims believe in the revelation of Jesus again to land shortly before the Day of Judgment, where the Koran stated: Since hitting the son of Mary, for example, if your people it debar and said Oalehtna better, or is what beat him you only controversy, but they are a people who Khsamun It is only Abdul Onamana it and made it, for example, the children of Israel, even if we want to make us your angels on earth successors It is a science of the hour is not Tmturn out and Atbon this path. straight nor Asdnkm devil he is to you an avowed enemy and what came Isa-based said may I come wisdom and show you some that disagree where Obey Allah and obey me that God is my Lord and your Lord, worship Him this straight path differed parties, including woe to those who wronged from the punishment of a grievous day you look only at that suddenly come upon them and they do not feel [27] The descent of Jesus will be in the semi-war between the Mahdi and the Antichrist and Mtbaanh. Jesus will descend at the white lighthouse east of Damascus, wearing a yellow robe and swabbed his head with oil, then join the Mahdi in the fight against the Antichrist [28]. Issa will be Muslim, and adheres to Islamic teachings. Finally, Jesus will kill the Antichrist, and all the people of the book will become Muslims. Thus will be the only religion is Islam. In Sahih Al-Bukhari from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: (The Hour will not even come down to you, the son of Mary judgment in installments, will break the cross, kill the pigs, and puts the tribute, and flooding even money is not accepted by a) [11] .. After the death of the Mahdi, Isa will be driving, and will resolve for justice and peace. According to Islamic texts to the emergence of Gog and Magog tribe at the time, Staat and corruption on earth. Then God will respond to the prayers of Jesus and praying, and kill them by sending a type of worm to the nape of their necks. [28]. Jesus will rule on earth 40 years and then die, and pray for him and the Muslim funeral prayers Adfnnouna in Medina near the Prophet Muhammad and Caliph Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab [9]. In the Islamic belief [edit] Description Issa many names in the Quran, and more name appeared to him is the son of Mary, and sometimes by other names. Issa also mentioned in the Quran as a prophet or messenger of God. Terms such as good, Mubarak and Abdullah are all used in the Quran to refer to Jesus. [9] There is another name, a repeat of Christ. This is Aitabak Christian concept of the Messiah, as Islam considers all the Apostles of Jesus, including Fanon, nor shared divinity. Muslims explains that the word of Christ swabbed with oil, or because it scans the eyes of the blind Vishvém. Quranic verses used the term word of God, which indicates that God created Jesus Mlfozh word of it (Be) at the moment that Mary bore Jesus. [9] Theologia [edit] Islam considers Jesus a human and a good man and the Messenger of Allah. Islam rejects the idea that Jesus God or the Son of God. The belief that Jesus is God or the Son of God in Islam is considered a snare, and a rejection of the oneness of God, which is an unforgivable sin unless Atdarkha repentance before his death. [29]. It can be forgiven for all sins, repentance, and submission to God (ie convert to Islam) accounts of good deeds and sins that determine the fate of the human doomsday calculated from that time. Says a verse from the Koran: Have disbelieved who say that Allah is Christ the son of Mary Say, who owns something from God that he wanted to destroy Christ the son of Mary and his mother is in the earth, and to God the king of the heavens and the earth and what is between them creates what He wills and God over all things [30] [31] Trinity Christian belief is unacceptable in Islam. The views of Islam that Jesus preached in the whole of the prophets, worship God alone and is subject to his message. Thus the Muslim Issa (any subject and surrendered to the message of God) as a whole in the prophets of Islam. [32] Reference to Muhammad [edit] Muslims believe that Jesus pointed to Muhammad, and declared that the message is coming, and they put this rule based on the Quranic verse where Jesus is talking about the messenger comes after him named Ahmad [33]. Linking the name of Islam and Muhammad Ahmad origin of both names from the root h m d which means entitlement praise and praise. The statement asserts that Muslims Isa exists in the New Testament, putting stated Variqlait (parakletos) predicted that it would come to this in the Gospel of John [34]. Some commentators have claimed that the Muslims of the original word is Variqlait periklutos which means famous or brilliant or outstanding praise the name of Ahmed and this was replaced by the Christian name parakletos [9] [35]. References [edit] ^ Https:// D8% AB% D9% 84% D8% AB_ (% D8% AE% D8% B7) ^ Quran. ^ Https:// ^ Smith, Cyril Glassé; introduction by Huston (2001). The new encyclopedia of Islam (Edition Édition révisée.). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. Page 239. ISBN 9780759101906. ^ The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, p.158 ^ Jesus, Son of Mary in Oxford Islamic Studies Online ^ Jesus in the Quran. islam101. Check it out on 2011-07-08. ^ Quran, table 0.116 ^ Exceeded the top for: a b c d c H x Isa, Encyclopedia of Islam ^ Encyclopedia of the Quran, Jesus ^ Exceeded the top for: AP Islam, modern 165. ^ Koran, Sura 0.33 to 37 ^ Quran, Al-Imran 0.45 ^ Quran, Al-Imran 0.43 ^ Quran, Al-Imran 0.59 ^ Koran, Mary, from 0.8 to 9 ^ Koran, Mary 0.30 ^ Quran, Al-Imran 0.3 ^ Quran, Table 0.46 to 47 ^ Quran, Al-Imran 0.52 to 53 ^ Quran, Al-Imran 0.112 to 115 ^ For instance; Matthew chapter 27, Mark chapter 15, Luke chapter 23, and John chapter 19 ^ Koran, women from 0.157 to 158 ^ Crossan, John Dominic (1995). Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography. HarperOne. p. 145. ISBN 0-06-061662-8. That he was crucified is as sure as anything historical can ever be, since both Josephus and Tacitus ... agree with the Christian accounts on at least that basic fact. ^ Josephus Antiquities 18.3.3 ^ Sanhedrin 43a. ^ Quran, decoration 0.57 to 67 ^ Exceeded the top for: AP Sonn (2004) p. 209 ^ See: Esposito (2002) p. 32.74; Fasching, deChant (2001) p. 241 Markham and Ruparell (2001) p. 348 ^ Quran, Table 0.17 ^ Cf. Esposito (2002) p. 32 ^ See: Khalidi (2001) p. 75; Fasching, deChant (2001) p. 241 ^ Koran, Sura grade, verse 6. ^ And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. , John 14:16-17 ^ Watt (1991) pp. 33-34 See also [edit] Read the Book of Jesus the son of Mary Leakey and in books. 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Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 09:07:24 +0000

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