This article gave me the first laugh of the day - a new - TopicsExpress


This article gave me the first laugh of the day - a new constitution on the back of a fag packet : and its a blog in the telegraph no less: What we are currently witnessing defies the imagination. The reason why we are being confronted with the spectacle of Brown, Cameron, Miliband, Clegg et al rushing around – frantically drawing up a new constitution on the back of a fag packet – is that they are currently terrified at the prospect of the people of Scotland voting for independence. And why are the people of Scotland contemplating that move? Ask any politician, commentator, pollster or political observer, and they’ll give you the same answer: it’s because the voters are turning away from the political establishment and its old way of doing things. ... the political establishment is currently saying to the people of Scotland. To the other citizens of the UK, it’s saying the following: “Keep your noses out. We’ve decided we’re going to save the Union, come what may. What type of Union comes out of the end of this process is a matter for us. You lot will find out in due course.” ... This is utter madness. I’ll repeat, it is precisely this sort of arrogance by the political class that has created this crisis in the first place. But because everyone has become fixated on “saving the Union”, our politicians and their followers are simply saying: “hey, that’s not a bad idea, it might just work”. For how long? Does no one in Westminster understand how this looks to people outside of Westminster? The spectacle of the man who was overwhelmingly rejected at the ballot box four years ago suddenly emerging to unilaterally rewrite the British constitution because he and the rest of his political chums have decided a democratic referendum is not going the way they think it should. What do people think the implications will be for the general election? And the proposed Euro referendum? Nigel Farage may as well start measuring the Downing Street curtains now. “To save the Union we must destroy the Union”, our leaders are saying to themselves. And if they carry on like this, they most definitely will.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 07:24:45 +0000

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