This article is about “ I hate Terrorism “ (Islam mukt - TopicsExpress


This article is about “ I hate Terrorism “ (Islam mukt shreshta akhand bharat) All Islamic Muslims had come from Arabic country to Hindustan before independence for Business purpose Same way, Britishers also came to Hindustan for Business purpose . once Britishers finished their Business Before living the Hindustan , Britishers took & went all the valuable things from Hindustan & Made our Shreshta Akhand Bharat into many pieces . because Britishers had a pre-plan to rule our Hindustan in the Future. That is the reason currently most of the Hindus poor innocent peoples are getting converted to Christianity. But still now Islamic Muslims did not go away from Hindustan. because our old generation people was very Good persons like (Mahatma Gandhi) . Islamic Muslims took as an advantage & stayed back in Hindustan only. During independence period Sardar Vallabhai Patel told Mahatma Gandhi not to Allow Islamic Muslims, they are sycho danger animals But Mahatma Gandhi thought Islamic Muslims as poor people. Gandhi made a mistake & allowed Islamic to Stay in Hindustan. But currently,They are turned back as Suicide terrorists. Currently Islamic Muslims are getting revert back towards Hindustan . because Same as it is like Britishers , Islamic Muslims also had a pre-plan to rule our Hindustan in the Future as Islamic country. That is the reason currently most of the Hindu poor innocent peoples are getting converted to Muslims Ex : They have chosen Love Jihad as one of the route to convert into Muslims. Proofs : Bollywood movie Actress , Sports mens Ex: Daud ibrahim took birth in Hindustan Maharashtra , earned his illegal savings from Hindustan, but he is currently staying in terrorist country Pakistan , Now Daud ibrahim is Against to Hindustan now he is one of the noted criminal terrorist to Hindustan. that is why Islamic Muslims are selfish suicide terrorist . All Islamic Muslims does not have humanity. They are selfish. Now Muslims are not a man only Suicide terrorists, & sycho danger animals . Please treat this message as a very serious issue . The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim The Beltway Snipers were Muslims The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim The underwear Bomber was a Muslim The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims The London Subway Bombers were Muslims The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims Think of it: Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem Hindus living with Christians = No Problem Hindus living with Jews = No Problem Christians living with Shintos = No Problem Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem Confusians living with Bahais = No Problem Bahais living with Jews = No Problem Jews living with Atheists = No Problem Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem Hindus living with Bahais = No Problem Bahais living with Christians = No Problem Christians living with Jews = No Problem Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem Muslims living with Hindus = Problem Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem Muslims living with Christians = Problem Muslims living with Jews = Problem Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem Muslims living with Bahais = Problem Muslims living with Shintos = Problem Muslims living with Atheists = Problem MUSLIMS LIVING WITH MUSLIMS = BIG PROBLEM **********SO THIS LEAD TO ***************** They’re not happy in Gaza Theyre not happy in Egypt Theyre not happy in Libya Theyre not happy in Morocco Theyre not happy in Iran Theyre not happy in Iraq Theyre not happy in Yemen Theyre not happy in Afghanistan Theyre not happy in Pakistan Theyre not happy in Syria Theyre not happy in Lebanon Theyre not happy in Nigeria Theyre not happy in Kenya Theyre not happy in Sudan ******** So, where are they happy? ********** Theyre happy in Australia Theyre happy in England Theyre happy in Belgium Theyre happy in France Theyre happy in Italy Theyre happy in Germany Theyre happy in Sweden Theyre happy in the USA & Canada Theyre happy in Norway & India Theyre happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do they blame? Not Islam... Not their leadership... Not themselves... THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN!! And they want to change the countries theyre happy in, to be like the countries they came from where they were unhappy and finally they will be get hammered !!!! Islamic Jihad: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION ISIS: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Al-Qaeda: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Taliban: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Hamas: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Hezbollah: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Boko Haram: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Al-Nusra: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Abu Sayyaf: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Al-Badr: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Muslim Brotherhood: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Lashkar-e-Taiba: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Palestine Liberation Front: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Ansaru: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Jemaah Islamiyah: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Abdullah Az Inside the Islamic Muslims persons brain they only have Quran. ( image attached regarding the quran ) they do not have humanity, they are only Suicide terrorists, & sycho danger animals. Islamic Muslims had a pre – plan to convert Hindustan Hindus as Islamic Muslims Ex : Targeted old generation Jawaharlal Nehru Daughter Indira & Froze Khan Love Jihad . This plan had got failure because Nehru did not agree Islamic Muslim Froze khan to get marry with Hindustan Hindu Indira. That is the reason, Mahatma Gandhi heired Froze khan as his Son , From then onwards Froze khan name was changed as Froze Gandhi. After the Marriage of Indira & Froze Gandhi . Indira name was changed as Indira Gandhi. This is an miracle Story in our Hindustan History because Nehru family Indira had became as Gandhi Family. After the marriage of Froze Gandhi & Indira Gandhi , After some years, Froze Gandhi forced Indira Gandhi to get converted to Islamic Muslims , Froze Gandhi got Failed & died , This is the real History. Indira Gandhi had two sons Rajiv Gandhi & Sanjay Gandhi. Same way Britisher Christians had a pre – plan to convert Hindustan Hindus as Britishers Christians. Ex : Targeted Indira Gandhi Son Rajiv Gandhi & Sonia . Love Jihad After the love Marriage of Sonia & Rajiv Gandhi From Then onwards Sonia name was changed as Sonia Gandhi. Then only Sonia got the citizenship of India. Sonia Gandhi forced Rajiv Gandhi to get converted to Britishers Christians, Sonia Gandhi got failure , These past days Italy British Government was ruling our India This is an miracle Story in our Hindustan History. Indira Gandhi 2nd Son Sanjay Gandhi loved a Indian girl Menaka Gandhi. she was from middle family Indira Gandhi don’t like Middle family & poor Family because that may damage her prestige in society , That is why Sanjay Gandhi Had died in Flight Accident , After Sanjay Gandhi death , Indira Gandhi forced Menaka Gandhi to get out from her house . Currently Menaka Gandhi is out from Gandhi Family . This is an miracle Story in our Hindustan History. Same way Britishers Christians had a pre – plan to convert Hindustan Hindus as Britishers Christians. Ex : Targeted Sonia Gandhi daughter Priyanka Gandhi & Robert vadra . Love Jihad After the love marriage of Priyanka Gandhi & Robert vadra From Then onwards Robert vadra name was changed as Robert vadra Gandhi. Robert vadra got success & entered Indira Gandhi richest family , currently Robert vadra is also richest Businessman in India. and also Sonia Gandhi had a pre – plan to make Rahul Gandhi as Prime Minister of India. If Rahul Gandhi would have become a Prime Minister he had a pre - plan to get marry a British Christians girl , But unfortunately it Got Failure . Also another Ex: From the day Indira Gandhi & Firoz Khan Love Jihad had started Before independence, but still now the Love Jihad is not yet stopped in Hindustan. Currently Love Jihad has increased from Approx 12,000 to lakhs together in Hindustan Hindus. This is the right time to end up this , or else Hindustan Hindus may revert back to Islamic Muslims in the Future generation... Not only present but from past 500 to 1000 years ago Britishers & Islamic Muslims had a pre-plan to rule our Hindustan, That is the reason they are increasing the religion counts day by day. Previous Government was selfish did not take action regarding this issue, and also government supported & gave the security for Muslims & Christians . every one were in their own commitments to earn their money & keep the savings in out of countries, & developing their own family but not Hindustan , Every state has a Muslims ministers to Support Muslims Same way every state has a Christians ministers to Support Christians. For this reason only Muslims & Christians majority is getting increased day by day. Islamic Arabic country sponsoring money lakhs & crores together to Muslim peoples in India , if they convert persons to Muslims religion Same Way Britishers country is also sponsoring money lakhs & crores together to Christians peoples in India , if they convert persons to Christians religion Just Think which country Should sponsor money to save our Hindustan Hindus ? Why Should we give , Why should we take ? Hindustan Hindus are not Beggars , From the Day one Before 21st century itself & now also Hindustan is the richest country. During our old Generation Britishers had took all valuable things & some properties was occupied by Islamic country , But rest of property is currently under the previous central & state politics. We Should get back the same & also black money , red money From other countries. And also black money earned through real estate , industries , Business etc in India ( 10 times higher than other countries) Once we revert back all this, Our Hindustan will be the No.1 Richest Country in the World India has got the independence before 68 years, But Still now Hindustan Hindus did not get independence. If we refuse Muslims to stay in Hindustan.They have Islamic Muslim country to Stay, if we refuse Christians to stay in Hindustan, They have British Christians country to Stay, But Where as our Hindustan Hindus has only one Country to Stay that is Hindustan This is our Country. Before 21st Century during the period of Ramayana Rama, Mahabharata Krishna, & our old generation. There was no Muslims & Christians in Hindustan country. Just Think about the Past Sreshta Akhand Bharat & Think about the present Hindustan ( Because of Muslims & Christians only our Sreshta Akand Bharat is divided into many pieces ) So, Why dont all our Hindustan Hindus Religion & all Hindus organization people join together to get back our Sreshta Akhand Bharat for our future generation? Same as it is like Rama Rajyam We should make sure that our new future generation don’t face any Kind of problems as like the problems faced by our old generation (before independence) sacrificed many lifes & also our current generation If there is a partiality among our Hindustan Hindus people , There will a chance for the third party to rule our Hindustan Hindus . We are into 21st Century, We Should be clever in saving our Hindustan & We Should not be innocents & sacrifice minded like our old Generation. Dont allow State politics in Hindustan ( ex : Jharkhand, Telangana etc , Currently one of the politician in Karnataka is trying to Divide the State into 2 parts ) Already You know the Current Situation of all these 3 States. In Hindustan all states are one , all languages peoples are one, If this partiality is not there in our Hindustan Hindus we will increase our Desha Bhakthi towards Bharatha Matha. Past 60 years government was leading in state wise casteism vote politics. In central & state there was no ministers to support our Hindustan Hindus . If you Continue this same in future generation,The rich persons will earn the money and convert into dollars finally he gets settled in Abroad Countries ,The poor man always remains as poor Our India new future generation is that we will go back to 1940s and it will be worster situation than before getting independence The Britishers & Islamic countries is waiting for this situation to recapture India. Then we will go back to days before independent, it means 75 years back. For the First time all religions Hindustan Hindu public has been chosen central Government india, We should not miss the golden opportunity to get the things in place. Same way all the States should get the Same Government to save our Hindustan Hindus ? But Now without casteism The Right Government has come to save our future generation development , only RSS & BJP will save our Hindustan Hindus & also RSS & BJP has a dream To make our India as a No.1 Richest country in the World . & change our India name as Hindustan. I am a citizen of India,Take step ahead to (Muslims & Christians Mukt shreshta akhand bharat). please ask family members, relatives and friends to give a missed call to Toll free number 18002662020 to join the BJP chalo chale modi ke saath all over India also over the world Example actually , In all over the world before 21st Century There was only one religion i.e Hindustan Hindus Ex : Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Japan, Australia etc & all nearby countries has ancient Hindu temples (1000 years ago). Currently Everyone is thinking about the present . But no one has the patience to think about the Past 21st Century. Please treat this message as very important to get immediate effect. Save our Sreshta Akand Bharat. This will Show How Indians are richest in terms of money & also how much of Desha Bhakthi we have on our Bharatha Matha. ( Regarding this No Compromise or no negotiation ) I hate Terrorism because Indians are having Unlimited talent, But unable to live a peaceful life in Hindustan Hindus same as it is like the old Generation Rama Rajya. This is the right time to Show our Hindustan all religions Hindus power to Islamic Muslims... 1) Dont keep Friendships with Muslims 2) Dont keep relationship with Muslims 3) Dont do any kind of business transactions with Muslims Ex: Agriculture, Hardware , Software , Shopping centers, Industries , Travels etc 4) Dont Buy & sell any type of products from Muslims Ex : Vegetables, Fruits , Provision , Chicken , Mutton Soft drinks, Cool Drinks, Clothes, Shoes, household items , Mobiles, Laptops , Computers etc 5) Dont Buy Sell Rent & lease any kind of Properties with Muslims Ex : Residential, Commercial , Warehouse etc 6) Dont journey from any of Muslims travels Ex : Auto , Car , Bus , Flight etc 7) Dont drink & eat in Muslims Restaurants & Hotels etc Ex : Coffee , Tea, Snacks, Tiffin , Lunch, Dinner 8) Don’t watch any Muslims actor/actress movies tele serials etc 9) Dont Buy any type of telemarketing, products TV Advertisement from Muslims actor Ex : Soft drinks, Cool Drinks, Clothes, Shoes, household items , Mobiles, Laptops , Computers etc. 10) Dont Work in Muslims company & Dont recruit any Muslims staffs to Hindus company Ex : Agriculture, Hardware , Software , Shopping centers, Industries , Travels etc 11) Don’t purchase & use any Islamic Arabic word products Ex : Fruits , Provision , Chicken , Mutton, Soft drinks, Cool Drinks, Clothes, Shoes, household items , Mobiles, Laptops , Computers etc 12) Dont Join your Childrens in any Islamic Schools/colleges, because instead of teaching Sylabus Chapters , They Will brainwash your Children & teach their Islamic Quran. 13) Dont do any money transactions with Islamic Muslims because they will have illegal Pakistan duplicate currency Notes. If We use it, It Seems to be we are Cheating to Hindustan RBI. 14) This is Hindustan country, we are using only four languages in our Hindustan Country Ex: 1) State Language - Kannada 2) National Language - Hindi 3) International Language – English , 4) Hindustan Culture Language -Sanskrit . Except this, don’t accept any of languages in our Hindustan Country Ex: Islamic Newspapers , speech, boards , banners , flags etc. Tear & Throw If you find any where near by your Houses , roads , Schools, temples etc . & also avoid any type of Illegal activities with Islamic Muslims... The reason Islamic Muslims official people are very lesser in counts compare to the unofficial Muslims people are very more , 95% of Muslims is not paying Taxes to Government by earning illegally , But they are in 1st place in using Hindustan government facilities. But Where as being our own Hindustan country , We are backwards in using Hindustan government facilities. Ex:, Slum board sites, Slum board houses, Ration card , Aadhar Card , Voter Id & Bank loan Facilities. Islamic Muslims are in 1st place using all the above Hindustan government facilities , But they are not following all the law & orders , They are always against to the Hindustan Government. But past Hindustan Government had encouraged Islamic Muslims & provided all the facilities assuming they are poor people, But now they are not poor people , Islamic Muslims are No.1 Suicide Terrorist If you have any doubts about the message , please watch the below you tube link with patience on your convenient time. Save our Sreshta Akand Bharat. Islamic India: The biggest holocaust in World History… whitewashed from history books The genocide suffered by the Hindus of India at the hands of Arab, Turkish, Mughal and Afghan occupying forces for a period of 800 years is as yet formally unrecognised by the World. VrahnBharat - Action Plan for the Indian Government https://facebook/video.php?v=748506915227307>Post by
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 06:38:08 +0000

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