This article is about part of what is happening in Europe and the - TopicsExpress


This article is about part of what is happening in Europe and the world. In Russia, like most of Central and South America, and the Far East, there are no morals, no ethics, and little honesty. If you want something, grease the right palms with the right amount of money, and it can happen. So Russia is using money to influence leaders in the EU to try to improve Russias image. But like the basic failures that brought down the USSR, the basic flaws in the Russian mindset, morals, and work ethic mean that their efforts are doomed in the end. However, a lot of us are going to have our lives, homes, and countries damaged or destroyed before that downfall. Read this: All that Russia can export - is total corruption Foreign and ROSSOTRUDNICHESTVO prepared a comprehensive strategy for creating a positive image of Russia abroad. Strengthen Russias influence in the world and will help improve the image of the countrys development and humanitarian tourism sector. Belkovsky said, what are the chances of Russia in the struggle for a positive image in the international arena. I am a veteran of the information wars and political consultant in retirement. As such, I can say that, firstly, the image of the country is largely determined by its policy. And not only external but internal. And secondly, the willingness and ability of those countries to export and other samples. For example, the United States and the EU can export democracy. We are used ironically to treat the phrase export of democracy, but I think the irony here is irrelevant: many countries are drawn to America and Europe, precisely because they appear attractive samples of their political system. Someone may exhibit unique achievements in the development and introduction of new technologies, such as, say, Japan or South Korea. Someone demonstrates the unique ability to overthrow their own rulers, who overflowed as Ukraine. See also: Putin began a new offensive - on the diplomatic front: Illarionov . But when a single sample that country, in this case, the Russian Federation, can export - is total corruption, the value of exports rather doubtful. It does not entail any element soft power, as referred to in the concept of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Agree, no matter how much money or invested international PR North Korea, principled attitude towards it will not change. The doctrine of soft power - fake and bluff designed to get government funding for the implementation of systematic measures that do not lead to the achievement of expected results and declared. Until the 70s of the last century with the help of PR technologies could create the image of the country radically different from the real situation. There was no Internet, there were large and small iron curtains. And under the influence of totalitarian propaganda, many people might assume that the Soviet Union - is an example of freedom. But today it is impossible. And without changing the internal and foreign policy Russian propaganda concept will remain inefficient. Although we can not deny the other side of the question: the Russian leadership and Vladimir Putin personally quite popular in much of the world and among large segments of the population in developed countries. Popularity is based on the general hatred of the United States. Leader to give the U.S. in the face, automatically starts to use authority. Both in Europe and in Africa and in Latin America, and Asia, and even in the United States, in the ultra-conservative circles, do not approve internal and external policies of the last decades of America, there are groups of support for Putin. So I would not say that the propaganda putinism can not be effective - it can be effective! But this does not entail the Russian Foreign Ministry declared soft power, because the latter is reduced to unite nations and peoples around the country is due to the export of positive samples and values. The feud with the United States can encourage relationships with other countries, but not a positive model for export. Need drastic reforms, which gave us a sample, ironically, a former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. We can compare the image of Georgia in 2003, when Saakashvili came to power, the fact that there is today. This is heaven and earth. Systemic reforms Russia needs not even for the image, and for Russia and its people.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 14:46:18 +0000

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