This article is magnificent. Before I begin I want to say that I - TopicsExpress


This article is magnificent. Before I begin I want to say that I am NOT sorry about this long post. WARNING: Do not read if you blinded by the disillusionment that life is meant to be perfected. I finally decided to get this off my chest, no one is obligated or forced to read this. Just like the fact that no one is told what they enjoy following and watching on the television. I am going to explain my outlook on the successful and positive attitudes of Steve Jobs, Bob Marley, Bill Gates, and Albert Einstein. This is no different than what the critics and journalist do to us on a daily basis. I am also not comparing myself to these men, yet I am inspired by the impact they made on humanity. Some will look at my opinion as real and some will look at it as fake. That is your choice. Not mine, so think whatever you want. Doesnt affect me. I understand that im not special and I understand that my life experiences are a walk in the park compared to those that are less fortunate. I try to live my life as if it were to be a classroom. I am trying to become a better version of myself. I try to learn from my mistakes. I will always have flaws, but it doesnt hurt to work on improving them on a daily basis. I may not be perfect now, or tomorrow, but thats because I accept that I will never be perfect. Everyone has been dealt a deck of cards called, Life. YOU ARE the only person who is capable of choosing how they decide how focused they want to be while playing. Some people feel as if they are often times dealt the same deck, basically competing with themselves and against others. Rather than accepting everyone has a different hand and you are able to choose how you want to brand yourself to people. Life isnt a competition. I am a strong believer in Karma. Life can be much easier if you drown a person in positivity rather than negativity. You can bring a horse to a well, but you cant force it to drink. Destiny is something that is not just handed to you after receiving a degree. Although I am not currently enrolled in college, I have enough confidence within myself to not allow the negativity of others affect my decisions and choses. So anyways, Do you consider Steve Jobs a genius?___ Do you believe education is the the foundation for success? ____. The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyality- Zig Zaglar (Famous American Writer). Notice how he doesnt state that education is a foundation to success, it is more so the roof to a house. Now this is my outlook on the character, integrity, and gratitude of some of the most influential people known to mankind. Although I may have a different opinion than yours doesnt make me right or wrong. So please dont argue or take offense of what I am saying, rather just accept that I am entitled to my own opinions. But anyways, did you know Steve Jobs did not receive a degree? Neither did Bill Gates or Albert Einstein. Three of the most influential men in the world did not even graduate college. These men did not believe that they needed a degree to be successful. Have you ever noticed how these men donated a good amount of their wealth to organizations rather than colleges? Because these men are doing good to others, some people believe that these men just do it for attention and acceptance. Compared to looking at it positively and thinking that these men feel as if its more important to help others that are incapable of receiving healthcare and education as Americans. All these foundations to success have led the journey that all these men were/are grateful to experience. Not education. Bob Marley once stated, The greatness in a man is not in how much wealth he acquires but in his integrity and ability to affect those around him. Steve Jobs stated, If today were your last day, would you want to do what you are about to do today? Look for a quote by Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, and even Bob Marley, simply stating that education leads to success. It will be extremely hard to come across one. Why is that? Success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success. If you love what youre doing, you will be successful. So now I ask, why is it that many people believe that education is the foundation of success? I have come across many people who have more wealth than 1 billion less fortunate people in the world, yet they were still negative and grumpy. Everyone is different, people find joy in different aspects of life. Personally, I am more focused on giving back to those of the less fortunate rather than spending roughly $120,000 to earn my degree. Just because I am choosing to take a different path doesnt make me any better or worse than the person next to me. Everyone is equal. It is your own choice to fill your brain with the false idea that this world is based on survival of the fittest. There is a reason why Darwinism is a theory and not a law. Rather my life has guided me in this direction and I am going to make the best of it. Do you classify me as immature and unintelligent or mature and intelligent? Either way, you can keep your opinion to yourself. You are entitled to any opinion you want to believe. You also have total control on how you want to affect others, positively or negatively. Choice is yours. Personally, I thrive off haters. I want to prove people wrong. Living a different type of lifestyle naturally gains doubters. Accept that no matter what, you will always have critics judging you. Its your choice. Do you want to be strong and stand up for yourself and be real or do you want to be fake hold it in and let it destroy you. The choice is yours. I find joy in putting the realistic needs of the less fortunate before myself. Although I may not talk to you about your boyfriend breaking up with you, that shouldnt classify me as self centered or selfish. Its just that everyone is dealt a different hand of cards to PLAY. I cant be fake and act like I care because in reality, some people grow from experience and learn how to deal with their ups and downs differently. When I come across a hurdle in life, I try my best to always look at the glass as half full. I look for opportunities to better myself. I will try to teach you when life throws you a curveball, it is your choice whether you want to be victor or victim. Many people believe that wealth brings happinesses. I BELIEVE that is not true. Notice how I said believe, instead of I know. Reason being is because I accept that I am not always right. I accept the fact that I have failed numerous times, but Im grateful enough to be able to learn from most of my experiences. So people may say that I am selfish and inappropriate, yet I say these things not because I am looking for sorrow, rather I accept my life and use these curveballs to my advantage. I thrive to be different. I I dont want to fit in. I dont want to spend all my weeknights watching television. I dont want to spend all my weekends doing cocaine and drinking. Kevin Minassian is _______. Fill in the blank. You dont need to let me know what your opinion is on my life. Truthfully, all that matters to me in life is that my family is healthy and that I continue to become a better version of myself. I want a 80 mph curveball thrown at me; recognize the pitch and then focus and work hard to hit it out of the mark. My happiness comes from giving others, being positive, enjoying life through my own perspective. Although, I may have not always been positive a year ago, does not mean I havent changed. Everyday is a new day to become a better person, THE CHOSE IS YOURS. How do you want to be remembered?
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 20:15:14 +0000

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