This article is to explain why the field of paranormal activity - TopicsExpress


This article is to explain why the field of paranormal activity studies is very difficult to comprehend with most people. Ill sum it up in an easy to read paragraph. All new articles and excellent footage in comment sections from this week and last month,too. Come check them out! Scroll down,around, and hit all replies to see them all! Most alien races/subspecies are positive but many are hostile and very dangerous. The entities shown below in the illustrations are not extraterrestrial nor from an alien race. Im bringing this topic up not only to inform you but because Ive been getting many private messages from people about these entities laying on their bed while they sleep or lurking around them in a faceless smoky apparition when their awake. The,so called, Djinn entities among other cultural names is that they will sit on your chest to suffocate you at night and put you in a state of paralysis as they push pressure on you making the victim unable to breath. When the person awakes or was half awake is that they will see it vanish in a flash of smoke. They are real because they do scratch skin and other freakish shadow figures are often associated with them or it may be in your own mind through REM-lucid dreaming and/or from a previous alien implant that an actual extraterrestrial encounter placed in you, in which, your seeing real aliens or actually seeing shadow figures from removing alien implants(many cases) and their not just a haunting trick/imagination from an evil-like manifestation. I cant fully explain unless you have a real encounter then I will assess the proper cause. Every case is different and it depends on the situation! Ways to stop the Djinn(manifesting hazy shadow mists or darkish creatures lurking in your room) and/or real alien extraterrestrials doing medical procedures inside your bedroom at night. #1. Sleep on your side and not on your back. #2. Stop reading about aliens or watching ufo videos and scary stories because sometimes that will create a natural illusion or image in your mind, in which, it will be recreated through lucid nightmares or even in real life that may seem very real.( hallucination effect) #3. Take some holy water and sprinkle it around your room but thats a 50/50 because it doesnt always work. Same deal with people saying Jesus because its more of a cultural belief/myth/brainwashing theory because only a few cases claimed this out of millions so you do the math. It may or may not work depending on what type of entity a person encountered *If its extraterrestrials visiting you at night or abducting you via spaceship then theres not much you can do. Unfortunately, they show up when they want to and you cant say or do anything about it until their finished with what they came to do. Ghosts/spirits-move away! Alien beings-nowhere to hide! If you need more extensive help to figure your specific encounter(s) then private message me and Ill be with you in the near future~ Sidenote: Not all aliens are extraterrestrials because some maintain bases underground, not all alien entities are races, and some are one function clone workers that seem like real beings but arent physical or may be but in android form based on my analysis from many cases, as well as, my own experiences and the reality of advanced technology. Some entities show up from overlapped parallel universes(a true portal or an aliens trickery system using a highly advanced computer system by using orbs of light. Read last weeks articles for more info and the many uses from balls of light. Most use spaceships aka the real timemachines.) but some are actual races depending on the encounter. Hauntings with ghosts/spirits arent alien races but act very similar in ways such as shadow appearances/apparitions like moving things. Some alien extraterrestrials during bedroom encounters almost mimick ghostly actions but I will know the difference in a way that I can tell immediately among different entities. Theres a huge difference between, so called, demons or demonic possessions and actual extraterrestrials with suits,devices, and ships using technology. Fallen angels, Satans workers, Nephilim, the Watchers among many more religious titles are irrelevant and have nothing to do with whats going on today. They are slightly based on truth but not in the reality of present times on earth with the new era of mankind. Those terms are for unresearched skeptics that dont believe in other life from other planets and take the easy way out because most of those types of people are afraid or cant accept the truth from new evidence in reality from how they grew up pertaining to beliefs by reading an ancient scripture or an outdated history book.(rewritten-missing chapters-destroyed texts) No disrespect but there are many earth-like planets not too far and astronomers discover them on a yearly basis. Planet earth is not the center of the universe.(billions of galaxies) Proof: Extraterrestrials leave footprints,radiation detection, radar detection, leaves behind traces of other planets elements or testable unworldly materials when they land, as well as, unknown DNA, found alien skulls,millions of testimonies,abductions, footage,etc. So yes..... They are mortal and die and some are multidimensional, in a sense, but thats too difficult to explain here fully. Read past articles and you shall seek your answers. Its basically based on what solar plane their planets exist on and how far they are located in the Cosmos hence interdimensional capabilities. Anyway, negative spirits,weird voices,etc...(the paranormal?) Thats why Im here to help the people who need answers to figure out what may have happened to them or what they encountered! Some shadows are extraterrestrials using masking techniques(invisibility suits) or it could be real spirits so thats why I need full details for me to decide/decipher the difference on what it may be but if its a smoky faceless shadow or a hairy creature sitting on chest(same difference) then its an entity that needs to be fully investigated to pinpoint the origin or figure out the so called species.(unknown entity) Im way past lights in the sky. No disinfo. or conspiracies! I treat all cases equally with no bias statements. Im the real deal and know what Im talking about as you can tell by my past material thats all written by me instantly without any help besides my mind (based on my encounters and thousands of other peoples cases,too) and if you do years of research by weeding out the fakes then youll find out I was right all along so trust me when I say something. I dont have all the answers or mathematical codes, so to speak, but Im way beyond others. Chances are whatever you heard is actually the opposite. *~* Please read past articles to build your knowledge and understand.(Shadow people,freakish creatures, bedroom encounters, and extraterrestrial vs. ghost similarities then scroll down page and read my November 24th and my January 6th articles.)
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 18:29:14 +0000

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