This article reveals that there are different species of humans - TopicsExpress


This article reveals that there are different species of humans still alive today, due to inter-species breeding. These sub-species have no visible differences that would clearly proclaim them as Other. There are many other variations within the human race, with every single defining factor, some as obvious as skin tone, others as invisible as brain structure. There are indeed profound differences within our species. Within diverse, developed countries, we gravitate to those who we perceive are like us, who we identify with, who accept us, and who we find acceptable, because we have the freedom to. We are not forced to remain within the clan. We are free from a single scale of judgment, where all are weighed as bad, good, better, or best; strong, or weak. Tribes, nations, religions, schools, sports organizations, and all imaginable societal factions, design stringent requirements of what is needed for approval and admiration within the group. Science has taught us that there are biological reasons for this, such as the evolutionary survival of the fittest theory, while there are many cultural reasons that are much more obvious to our subjective reasoning, often with our personal interests or abilities leading us to our own Tribe. Once we are a member of our Tribe, all outsiders -to some extent- are perceived as inferior. This is the Us and Them paradigm. This gives us the feelings that we need, that we are accepted, that we are needed, better than the outsiders, etc. that we are With all of these variations, conflict is seemingly inevitable, and even desired. What better way is there to find out who is best, than through conflict, or competition? It is the order of nature, the imperative of survival. If you seek to find the cause of all societal ills, this is it. But how much of this is built of smoke and mirrors, how much is fabricated and artificial, to meet some ulterior motive of established interests? Is perception not master of all? While we have these countless reasons to be exclusive, we also experience moments of compassion and connection with those who are different, and there are many among us who express feelings of universal oneness, and acceptance. We have many reasons to cooperate with all who come into our realm of influence. This works at both personal and planetary levels. To make real, fundamental changes to our society, can we simply work to shift perception of what is Best? That it is desirable to be cooperative, accepting, and empathic? What do you think?
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 03:43:07 +0000

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