This article strikes a real chord in me. Over the years, I have - TopicsExpress


This article strikes a real chord in me. Over the years, I have been a cautious-somewhat-uncomfortably-mostly-watchful supporter of the BJP and a strident critic of the dynastic-corrupt-falsely-socialistic-falsely-secular Congress party. Full disclosure, I joined AAP, support Arvind Kejriwal, do not agree with everything he says or does, but believe he needs the support, not to become a gadfly to others, but so he can awaken and drive the very real possibility of good people joining politics to avoid being governed by our so-called inferiors, as Plato would have it. Even today, when people ask me the alternative question, I am at a loss to answer, because my natural answer would be the BJP. But that was a different more tolerant BJP, one that was led by tall men, who knew how to behave in accordance with civilised norms, who were inclusive in their outreach, even if more narrow in their ideology. That was a BJP which had several smart people in it, so even ABV could not dominate it totally. But Modis BJP is not the BJP, but just a vehicle for himself. What he did to Gujarat yesterday (tell me if you know ONE NAME of any minister or bureaucrat apart from his Modi-ness), what he does to Advani and Jaswant today, he will do more of tomorrow to the country. The BJP will go the way of the Congress that Indira Gandhi destroyed, along with the country. Heres still praying that the BJP wins just enough seats to seek support from others and not give the man the job.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 02:22:18 +0000

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