This attitude toward America is not limited to Islamist - TopicsExpress


This attitude toward America is not limited to Islamist Palestinians. All Islamists everywhere--violent and non violent--endorse the goals of bin Laden in attacking us on 9/11--the creation of an Islamic state in which all non Muslims are dhimmi. The Islamist contingent presently includes: Hamas, Hizballah, Hizb ut Tahrir, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic State, al Qaeda, the Taliban, Boko Haram and all other jihadist organizations plus the states of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, the Seychelles, Aceh Province and Brunei. Yes--that is a lot of Muslims that would have cheered if bin Laden had been successful. But other Muslims oppose Islamism: “We believe in the separation of religion and state [the sine qua non of Islamism] in all matters of public policy.” “We will publicly affirm our belief that the primary threat to America is from both violent and non-violent Islamists who exploit the faith of Islam, and who use identity politics, victimology, tribalism, and intimidation to further their goal of Islamist hegemony.” They are our allies against Islamists. Via Tim Lawrence
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:17:12 +0000

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