(This beautiful piece is from a friend SOLOMON OLUSEGUN GBADEBO. - TopicsExpress


(This beautiful piece is from a friend SOLOMON OLUSEGUN GBADEBO. God bless u sir) PREAMBLE The commonest phenomenon on planet earth today is violence. There was a documentary recently on a gang of kindergartens. Notorious amongst them were a sibling, two boys aged 10 and 11years. They were products of a broken home. They do not know their father, and their mum was a drug addict and a wreck. These two lads had been on the street most of their short lives. They are not old enough to work, and they were never in school, even though the environment where they were born into, is a civilized one. They survive daily through muggings, robbery, pilfering and surprisingly murder. The youngest was recounted to be more ruthless than the older one. At such tender ages they only know the language of violence, and because they cannot be prosecuted or publicly identified legally according to the law of the land, they get away with all of these heinous crimes. One would be tempted to admit that they do not know what they were doing. They have bloods on their hands at such early part of their lives. If they are not caught, curtailed and rehabilitated, the duo can wreak havoc of untold dimension on their community when they become adolescence or young men. As true as this story is, it is a reflection of the society in which we live as of today. The scenario is bulk passing. The government of the day will never admit negligence, neither would the community or the individuals, that form the core. THE TEXT - Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22: 6). THE MESSAGE The world is gradually moving towards anarchy and a total collapse. The children we are breeding now can hardly be distinguished from mere beasts. They no longer have moral values, mutual respect and general human honour. Most of the kids parading our streets now are too mechanical. They act like machines and do not have time to reason or rationalise. They are majorly selfish and self centered. All is happening to them, because they have not seen anything better. Most of the people mentoring them, as parents, teachers, religious leaders and rulers and in no way better than them. Its like the blind leading the blind. You cannot give what you do not have. Parents that are half baked or ill trained, cannot give what they do not possess. The few people still existing till now that can make a difference are usually classified as old fashioned. What is the way out? RETRACING STEPS The fear of the Lord (JEHOVAH),is the beginning of wisdom (Psalm 111:10). If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do (Psalm 11: 3). Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14: 34). Some centuries back, England was a small nation that feared the Lord. They lived by the word and were greatly endowed with much wisdom. They firstly conquered their immediate surroundings, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. The four that made up the British Isles, with some small islands, became what was then known as Great Britain. They ruled the entire world, as their territories extended to the borders of great China. What weapon did they use to achieve these feat? It was none other than the Bible. With the bible as the foundation, all conquered territories were given education of which morals and civic studies formed the core. No sooner they attained the height of their glory, pride set in and they must have thought all that was achieved was through their personal prowess. Once the standard they started with started waning, the vast empire started declining. In a very short time all the conquered territories started seeking their independence and the entire empire collapsed, giving way to the United States of America (USA). This one too, started off with Gods strength. Lately too, same America is now a shadow of its old religious self, their fortune had started dwindling. Anytime Jehovah God is out of any equation, all formulas collapse. Many of the older people around today that are above the age of 50 years, are basically chip of the old block. If only the youths can tap from their wide and rich experience, the world could be redeemed and be a better place, before they all depart this sinful world. I can foresee a chaotic and riotous world beyond 2030, if the Lord Jesus tarries. As individual as well, we can make a difference to the perishing world, by making God and his words, the foundation stone of our lives. We dont just make him, but we allow Jehovah to RULE, controlling our thought and directing every activity in our lives. We then proceed by building our homes on the foundation of Gods words and Christian values. We shall elaborate more on this in subsequent episodes. This is basically one of the ways we can make a difference, in the polluted and decaying society we live in. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Seeing the geometric nature with which the church is expanding, one will continue to wonder why Jesus made the following statements: a. Many are called, few are chosen (Matthew 20: 16). b. Not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven (Matthew 7: 21). c. Wherefore, By their fruits you shall know them (Matthew 7: 20). There are many that identify themselves as Christians nowadays. But are they really Christians? Without necessarily judging, when you see the behaviours of many people, that troop in and out of churches, you cant but continue to wonder whether they are truly Christians in words and in deeds. Have you, critical examine yourself as to whether your behaviour, actions and inactions are prompted by the words of God, and whether you are making any impact on the lives of those around you? Have a wonderful week !!!. RABBONI
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 07:03:23 +0000

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