This being the eve of my 50th year on this world, I can honestly - TopicsExpress


This being the eve of my 50th year on this world, I can honestly say that I have been blessed in having been able to live a good life. I am honored to have been a part of an awesome family. With a love that goes beyond words I truly appreciate my brother John, my sisters Theresa and Marilyn (and their families), my dad and my mom. This appreciation goes beyond to my grandparents, all my uncles, aunts, cousins and 2nd and 3rd and etc... I was incredibly blessed to have shared some incredible married years during which I was blessed with two daughters, Amber and Kaytlyn. Both of whom have grown up into incredible young women. I look back on all that has happened in my up to this point and I still say, I have been blessed. I wont deny that Ive made mistakes along that way. Who can say they havent. I always got back up and carried on. No life is ever void of difficulties, challenges and in some cases, some pretty devastating events. Through it all, I have remained hopeful and optimistic. Ive never been one to hang onto worry for very long and quite simply, as Im now becoming aware, this is exactly what Jesus wants me to continue doing. To not worry. continue to take care of what your responsibilities and are hell take care of the rest. I have been experiencing an awakening that I;m still working to understand and am likely to never fully grasp it until I have left this world. Like a veil of doubt has been lifted and I am in the midst of people who, imperfect like me in their own way, radiate the light of Christ in their own way. I have found a home at FHMCC and am honored to call them part of my family. Ok, as long as they leave my Oreos alone, im good with that.... Im appreciative of all men and women that I have in my life. My heart is open and I will remain your friend for as long as youll allow me. My future is known only to one. He will unfold my purpose as each day dawns. My job is to remain open and to listen to His guidance. If you find yourself feeling out of sorts, just sit down and have a conversation with God. Let him in. Youll experience a peace like none other... These are my thoughts this morning. Well, its time for me to get my self off to church, get myself recharged. Have a blessed day, James
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 15:21:12 +0000

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