This book was so fun to write!! ********************* I leap - TopicsExpress


This book was so fun to write!! ********************* I leap from my bed, taking a wire hanger from the closet as my defense and race out of my room and down the hall to Nate. I rap my knuckles on his door repeatedly, bouncing on the balls of my feet. “Come on, come on, come on,” I whisper at the door. “Get your ass out of bed now.” I keep my hand knocking while I look over my shoulder every two and a half seconds. The doorknob moves, and I push my way in, closing it behind me. “What the…?” “There’s someone in our suite. I heard it in your mom’s room. She screamed, Nate. Someone’s in there!” He rubs his eyes, and my heart starts thumping through my throat. I’m not crazy. I heard a freaking murderer in Ms. Marks’ room. What if they got to Morsten first? And that’s why he’s not protecting her. Oh shit, my boss has been murdered! Nate drops his hand from his eyes. “Wait here. I’ll go check it out.” “Take this.” I hold out the hanger, and he laughs at it. He opens the door without taking my weapon. Um, I was serious. I know he told me to wait, but his room is dark too, and I have to know what’s going on, so I tiptoe out behind him, wielding my hanger. If anyone tries to jump me, I’ll poke their eyeballs out. Thwump, thwump, thwump! “I told you,” I hiss at his back. He holds his finger out behind him, and I snap my lips shut. We sneak down the hallway, and my heart pounds through my ears every step. I can see the headlines now. Wedding planner and party murdered by Michael Myers. If I survive this, I’m putting it in my calendar just to check off “near death experience.” Aaaaah, oooh, yeeeeees! Nate stops, and I run smack into his back. “Um, Brooke?” he half whispers. “I’m not going in there.” #UnexpectedlyYou #scenesthatmakemesnort amazon/Unexpectedly-You-Mia-Josephs-ebook/dp/B00GKZNBAU/
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 20:00:26 +0000

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