This breaks my heart in two. After non stop bullying in school no - TopicsExpress


This breaks my heart in two. After non stop bullying in school no matter where I was, even among the class I felt I belonged to most, I know how bad this can hurt. Ive been everything from called names, to books burned and torn apart, to physically attacked and injured due to bullying. Schools do NEED to take this more seriously. Personally, I believe they should have a counselor in schools whose main focus is to help kids have someone to go to for protection and help linked to bullying. This person would have one thing to handle and one thing only. A lot of teachers prioritized what was going on with me. It wasnt the most important thing on their list. Counselors had more serious matters. No one had time to stop what I was going through. If we had a single person whose soul purpose was to focus on stopping the bullying, what impact could that make? There would be no more excuses for why it cant be stopped. Only laziness would be an excuse and a sorry one at that. This could be a huge step for school systems, but will they want to put the extra funds forward to stop the bullying? I think they should want to. A lot of students lose interest in school and their grades drop due to the horrors they go through. I know mine did. Only a few teachers who knew cared enough to step forward and try to get something done.Jill Jill Neubacher Keesey Anne Hendricks Childress, Nancy Cristina Smith, Denise Wood, Anissa Andrews, Larry McNorton, Hightower Christopher and Keri Bolton Van Sickle along with a few others.These people mean the world to me. They helped to make a difference and that means more then anything else to me. What happens when a schools grade point average for all its students as a whole goes up? They get paid more by the state. What happens when a child is bullied? Many tend to lose focus and interest in their studies. It didnt matter where I was. I was bullied all around. For those of you here, you know who you are. I have forgiven many of you simply because I see no reason to hold a grudge and have had hopes you would mature throughout the years and possibly come forth with a genuine apology even. The saddest fact, is the place I was most bullied, was the place I most loved. The band room. I left because of the bullying and because nothing was being done to put a stop to it. Was Mr Brown upset? Possibly. Most likely. But its on him. He had the choice, but was apathetic. Am I upset with Mr. Brown? A little. However, that is done and over with now. This is just an example. Many of the people who made me feel like I was useless and unwanted, will possibly deny it to this day. It doesnt matter. The point is, there NEEDS to be a stop or way out for those who are being bullied to find refuge. Bullying is more vicious then many of you realize. Feel free to leave your opinions, comments and thoughts.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 20:20:57 +0000

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