This bright and new shining world we are now in The loss of - TopicsExpress


This bright and new shining world we are now in The loss of privacy in this highly technical age is only to be expected. Consider what facebook has done, here I am, I am right in your face, that is if you care to look. We are being forced right now to make some hard choices. Facebook allows you to get into each others head. It makes some of us appear smarter then we truly are while exposing narrow minded thinking to instant scrutiny. Enter the federal government. They have spent untold millions trying to get into our heads since the first elections took place, why would they not want to get in on this in your face way of communicating with its constituents. Problem is, “we the people” want and are used to having the government and politicians at arms length at least. In my case and after serving in the military, I wanted as much room between me and the government as I could get. It is shocking and very uncomfortable having government involved with “we the people” on the level it is now reaching. The government has discovered a new toy and finds itself in the position of being able to almost read our thoughts. A lot of people thought it great fun to be able to track friends and relatives and know what they are doing each moment of the day. Want to meet them at a new restaurant? Text them directions on how to get there…no problem. Keep track of your children? How great! Course the federal government wants in on the fun too. Problem is most of us doesn’t want “big brother” to know what we are doing and where we are doing it all the time. It is going to take time for all this to work out. Imagine being able to solve crimes just by accessing the information through GPS who was at the location at the time the crime took place. The government thinks it is doing its job of protecting us to the best of its ability while most us are now calling foul. The government has found a new crime fighting tool and all the signs are leading to the fact they don’t want to give up the ability to keep us all safe and get rid of the bad guys. Problem is I am one of those bad guys or could easily be one of them. I come up with half baked ideas all the time. I even go so far as posting some of them on line. This was fine, after all friends move away and you want to keep in touch with them, joke around with them and share a half baked idea or two. That conversation is no longer private, Our inner thoughts are now or can be considered public property. Tell a friend that you are strapped for cash and are planning to rob a bank later in the day jokingly on your cell phone and instantly you can be considered to be on the other side of the law. There are several cases before the court right now where things said while on line are being used to expose the crime you where thinking in your head but had no intention of carrying out. This is a very new, bright and shining world in which we now find ourselves. The government is like a dog with a new bone and are refusing to let go of it. “We the People” find ourselves having to think differently. I remember yelling when the federal government first passed legislation aim at them entering the bedrooms of the American people for the first time. Made all kinds of noise about it, even wrote a few nasty letters. I went so far as to make a few threats while talking to friends. By today’s standards I am and have been a criminal for many many years. Fact is anyone who is not a “sheep” and is passionate about what they believe can easily get them selves into real trouble these days. Ever threaten to beat someone half to death to someone on line or on your cell phone? That is a crime, and the thought police are on duty now days. We will have to adjust to these new surroundings. I think we have to assume that our government is going to stay in our face and in our heads from here on out. If only from the stand point of solving crime. Yes, it seems like a science fiction nightmare come to life. We are no longer in private even when we are all alone if you have your cell phone with you or have your computer or tablet on. Thanks to technology the whole world can know what you are up to and this includes your federal government. If you want to change this as many do, it is a matter of giving up on new technology and going back to old school. Phones that don’t follow you where ever you go, but instead are mounted on the wall connected to phone lines by a cord. Cars that don’t tell you where you are and how to get to someplace you have never been before. If you want to visit with old friends and discuss all the things in the world that are making you mad or meet with someone that has made you mad enough to kick their arse. You had better dump all the new technology before you go. Would it bother you to discover that this new technology led directly to finding the people that had anything to do with 9/11 and or the New York marathon bombing? It is a matter of perspective and what your sense of what right and wrong is…To the people trying to make the world safer for both you and me, this new technology is much too valuable as a crime fighting tool not to make use of it. As a political tool it is much to valuable not to put up a big fight about it if you are the incumbent. As a marketing tool it is useful beyond measure so the likelihood that “We the People” are going to b able to put the brakes on an idea that has perhaps gone too far is extremely unlikely. I myself, I would love to go back to old school and have to reach for the phone on the wall to talk to someone and go to map quest to get directions for going somewhere, but like I said, I am still bothered about the government being in my bedroom even if that new app for my iphone will count the strokes I make while making love to my wife….
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 05:03:53 +0000

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