This comes from a runners perspective. I am madly in love with - TopicsExpress


This comes from a runners perspective. I am madly in love with someone who has, more than a few times, reached out to me, to spend time with me, grow with me with no strings attached. He has done so over the past five years. I adored him so much from the very beginning. I could see myself changing my entire world for him. He is everything Ive ever wanted in a partner, from the outside, to the things that make him tick, what moves him and inspires him. Hes deeply spiritual, like me, yet holds on to the mystery of shadow as I do. I have had a plethora of dreams, dreams that arent just dreams but have shown me things about him I couldve NEVER known. This is not a joke. And it scared the living daylights out of me. When you are shown things from the past that have happened to someone youre highly drawn to already, down to the very details of wounds and where they are/were, it is REALLY amazing. Mind-blowing. And when your lives, the two of you do not match up at that place in time, its DEVASTATING. Everything is opened up to you. A world of wonder and incredible fantasy that mixes with your place in time (where that soul is NOT with you), and it CRUSHES you. It takes time to be ready. When so much information is being downloaded into your mind and heart, it shakes you to your core. I told him I wasnt ready. I was, frankly, scared out of my mind to confront what seemed to be insanity. I told him so many times to LEAVE ME ALONE. Told him I didnt want to be his friend. Told him I went to another to try and stop how I felt about him! I cut our ties multiple times. I did anything I could to push this person out of my life because I couldnt see the time-space for him. Its not about that anymore. We see that the soul doesnt operate in time television the way we do here in this world. Every day (time scale), we judge how far weve come or how far well go. We set goals. We say this doesnt fit here! or that doesnt make sense right now!. But the truth is our souls have a deep knowing and understanding outside of time. Time is really an illusion, is it not? So once a runner can set those thoughts aside, and see that soul is trying to pull them closer to that vibration which transcends time, and ACCEPT it without fearing the intensity and extreme emotion it brings, the peace will begin, and they wont be as prone to running. And closer to merging here and there. It takes peace of mind and heart. Give him patience. Give yourself patience. Spirit doesnt mistake nor does Spirit keep you or anyone from what you are to experience. The signs are there all along. And they will NOT be able to ignore them without going into a deep depression. If hes able to see into his heart he will listen once the noise settles.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 07:44:11 +0000

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