This comes from the Harvey Mackays Weekly Column: • Trust. At - TopicsExpress


This comes from the Harvey Mackays Weekly Column: • Trust. At every level of your organizations, insist that workers understand the importance of keeping their word and living up to your values. Customers and co-workers want to know they can depend on you. • Decisiveness. Learn to make decisions promptly instead of waiting for every last piece of data. An imperfect decision that you can correct later is almost always better than a right answer that comes too late. • Competition. Study your market and get to know everything you can about other players in your industry. You don’t want to be caught off guard by a rival’s new idea, and you don’t want to always be on the defensive against what the competition is up to. • Records. Document your activities thoroughly. Good records help you preserve ideas, establish your credibility, and prove your point when the facts aren’t clear. This applies to finances, employees, ideas, and everything else you and your organization are responsible for. • Network. Build relationships and connections with a wide variety of people in and out of your industry. Your network can be a source of ideas, employees, and advice, so take the time to build it up. Don’t miss any opportunity to meet new people who can help you, and make sure you are available to return the favor • Patience. Concentrate on incremental progress. Overnight sensations and blockbuster victories are usually optical illusions facilitated by months or years of quiet effort. Establishing a habit of slow but steady success will build everyone’s confidence and minimize risk. • Risk. Sometimes you simply must take a risk to move forward. With all the other factors solidly established, you should be in position to predict potential success • Optimism. Maintain a positive attitude rather than an outlook of impending doom. The future looks brightest for those who look for the bright side.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:51:01 +0000

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