This coming February Larien & I will be approaching our 5th year - TopicsExpress


This coming February Larien & I will be approaching our 5th year that he was diagnosed with his liver disease. (Primary Schlerosing Cholangitis). This disease attacks all the ducts within the liver and is a very rare disease. When we were told that he had this disease, it was very hard to digest because we knew the only cure would be a transplant. Larien and I love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from the bottom of our hearts. Even though there have been many days and nights that we both have gone through our valleys of darkness, God has always carried us and has embraced us daily. This has been Our Journey and a journey that God has had His hand upon from the very beginning. His promises to us have never been broken and He never ceases to amaze either one of us. When we have been weak, He has always been our strength, when we thought we had none!! We will continue to always serve Him for He saved us, He has a Glorious Unfolding plan for us and even though times are challenging and seem to be overwhelming, God always provides, He always assures us that He has everything under control. We were uncertain as to how long we would have to wait before Larien would be placed on the transplant list because they (the patients) have a certain criteria to meet. Even though we knew his symptoms were progressing, we had to completely put everything into Gods hands. Learn to have patience, our ways are not His ways and know that His timing on everything is perfect. When I surrendered Larien and his illness to God is when I finally felt the movement of God. (That was just this past summer) I love my husband so much. He is not just my husband, he is my best friend and as many know us, we are also known as Peanut butter & Jelly. Two weeks ago, Larien and I drove to Pittsburg for his liver transplant evaluation. We were to receive a phone call this past Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning to let us know if he made the list or not. Larien and I pray daily for Gods Will to be done. Tuesdays call did not come. Wednesday came. I dropped Larien off at work and as I was driving back, I heard a long ago favorite song of mine, Cry out to Jesus by Third Day. Tears of living water came flowing down my cheek. I could barely see to drive. I fell the presence of The Lord in my car and even heard Him whisper, Go pray. I needed to pick something up from the church anyway but realized I was in my pis. I didnt care, I needed to pray!! I quickly ran into the church and spent time The Lord. When I came out I had two missed calls from Larien. I hit the redial quickly and heard this soft sweet voice that had been crying say to me, Honey, we made the list. I started crying harder and louder and I could hear him say, Honey, I cant understand you. I had to catch my breath and explain to him what I had been doing and where I had just been and just how good God is....HE was answering prayers while I was praying!!!!! So, to all our family and friends Larien and I would appreciate continuous prayers. We feel each of you are apart of our journey as well. Prayer is just Powerful!! We ask prayers for strength, comfort, and Gods protection always. I will be heading to Pittsburg in a couple of weeks. We are both the same blood type but I have to have a couple more tests. If it is Gods Will, then Larien will receive a part of my liver and we can schedule the surgery and he will not have to wait on the list. If I am not the one, God has the one at the right time and we will wait patiently and continue to serve until we receive the call. I didnt realize I could even be considered as a live donor and If God chooses me, I would be more than honored to know that my best friend has apart of me inside of him. Again, we appreciate and have always appreciated your prayers. We serve a mighty GOD!!! It is the beginning of the beginning and we await for Gods unfolding plan. God Bless each of you this Holiday Season. We love everyone.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 21:47:48 +0000

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