This coming weekend many of you will be heading off to see the - TopicsExpress


This coming weekend many of you will be heading off to see the Tour De France Grand Depart so weve prepared this short guide to help you on your travels... Yorkshire is the largest county in the United Kingdom and is located in North England. If you want to speak with a Yorkshire accent, whether you want to impress your friends or fit in, then you have some brushing up to do. You have to learn that many sounds are pronounced differently, such as saying raight instead of right. If youre committed to learning and practicing all of the quirks of the Yorkshire accent, then youll sound like a native in no time. Oh sounds are pronounced or. For example, “No“ would be pronounced nor But please, please remember that there is no emphasis on the R - if you say it like that, youll sound Irish. Words ending with an ee sound are pronounced as eh sounds. Example: Nasty would be nasteh. Yorkshire folk sometimes say aye for yes, and nay or nah for no. If you ever hear the word Nowt (pronounced nohwt -NOT nahwt-) it means nothing. Similarly, owt (pronounced ohwt) means anything. The word right is often pronounced Raight and has many, many different uses other than correct or the opposite of left! It could mean really, E.G - Its really good/Its RAIGHT good. Another use could be Alright - Are you alright/Are you all-raight? All use of the and to is replaced with t, which is pronounced by replacing the vowel sound with a half-audible uh noise, the kind you might make if you were lifting something unexpectedly heavy. EG: Im going into the woods/Ahm goin int[uh noise] woods (note: the g at the end of ing is also dropped). The letter T is usually dropped at the end of words and replaced with the same uh/heavy lifting sound. eg- that becomes tha[uh]. Nah then is a perfectly acceptable, and very friendly way to greet someone. Its Yorkshire speak for Now, then. Another common greeting is Ey up, hows tha doin? A wife or girlfriend is commonly referred to as our lass. Propah is used to substitute really as well as raight and well. EG:- Shes really nasty/She wa propah nasteh/She wa well nasteh. The th at the end of with is dropped. I was going with him/I wa goin wi im. This also applies to was. H sounds are commonly dropped. Him/Her = im/er; so How would be pronounced ow. Bloody (or as Yorkshire folk say, bloodeh) could be a substitute for f***ing. E.g., That bloodeh dog never shuts up (alternatively, that bloodeh dog neva giz its gob a rest). Give or gives sometimes becomes giz and take becomes tek. Tha and thee are both used to mean you. The word Sandwich is sometimes shortened to Sarnie or butty instead. Eg- im avin an am sarnie (am instead of ham) or im avin a chip butty. To help, with the learning process you could rent well known films with Yorkshire accents. Brassed Off, Kes and The Full Monty are good examples. Whatever happens we hope tha as a raight good time
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 11:20:44 +0000

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