This comment is in reference of the Human sacrifice before it was - TopicsExpress


This comment is in reference of the Human sacrifice before it was being removed. This is very foul, disgusting, and disturbing. It shouldnt have been posted here in the first place which has nothing to do with just being plain old fun scary ghost story that everyone can enjoy. Its such a brain wash and dramatizing image to look at and suddenly the value of life meant nothing. I dont see the point of in glorifying this way of practice. They all will go to the worst of hell thats for sure and I think they all are already condemned in an essence of GOD. I dont ever see how this is being considered Normal besides just plain and EVIL! So, for example if theres a society of pedophiles and therefore they practice being a pedophile should we say that its normal because, its part of their tradition?...Tradition or not, any fool can see that this is just plain wrong and Evil and you or I would not want to live in that kind of society in a false belief. And its just an excuse to devalue a Human life and more excuse to kill and to be in the mind state of insanity. How could a person do this to another person and be able to sleep like baby? Not only that its a cult and I would not wish to be born into that part of the world where there are crazy group or society that does Evil. I think some people think its cool to look at and probably wont even phase them but Evil is Evil and it probably wouldnt be very pleasant if that were one of us being chopped up for whatever reason? And in the moment of being handled put to death and say, OH is just part of the culture and tradition that the DEVIL which is my proud family practice the sacrifice of Human to honor whatever. And sometimes they would eat me too. Would any one you feel safe being around them kind of Monster?...I wouldnt. Not to be rude on anyone here but to say not be judgmental is pretty redundant dont ya think?...Because, every time when we would make comments of something whether be a positive or negative are all judgment mental. leaving you guys with that thought I hope you still not think that this is still NORMAL or just a part of tradition which I will say that its not and its very foul, dark and EVIL. Just by looking at it I could feel the present of EVIL without being in that picture. So, may peace with you all!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 05:23:43 +0000

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