This concern to EVERYONE of you: OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT OBAMA - TopicsExpress


This concern to EVERYONE of you: OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT OBAMA December 31, 2014 Mr. President, There is a matter of utmost relevance to our national security and the future prosperity of our nation that needs to be brought to your attention. It is also an issue that will directly impact the legacy of your presidency – for although it is not a problem of your creation it is presently transpiring and unfolding on your watch and therefore demands at the very least the beginnings of a solution. I am referring to what I have coined the “narco-revolution of America”[i]. American social, political, economic, and military analysts are usually brilliant at detailing the small picture. However, while they are quite remarkable, and arguably unparalleled at identifying, analyzing and classifying individual trees, they are also equally and notoriously incompetent when it comes to appreciating the nature of the forest as a whole. Mr. President, it is this type of “reductionist myopathy” that led this country’s intelligence communities to fail to identify the writing on the wall, resulting in the immediate loss of thousands of lives and billions of dollars during the 9/11 attack, and the subsequent loss of even more thousands upon thousands of lives, not to mention billions upon billions of dollars, that resulted from our consequent invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Speaking in relative terms only, what we are facing here is a far greater threat than a handful of terrorists crashing a few planes into expensive real estate – and we need to step back from the trees and appreciate the forest. Read More:
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 05:24:44 +0000

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