This conflict is not isolated to Israel. The Jewish population - TopicsExpress


This conflict is not isolated to Israel. The Jewish population are one - we are united, save for a few fringe lunatics. We are seeing increased security outside Synagogues, Jewish schools and other institutions. My friends in Israel have kids who are on school holidays, and yet cannot just go and hang out in the malls or the beach, because of this constant fear of rockets. But this isnt just in Israel. yesterday, my daughter couldnt make it to her planned activity in Johannesburg because there ewas a so called demonstration of keffiyeh and burka clad thug like savages and their anglo saxon and african supporters, screaming anti semitic chants outside the Israeli embassy in sandton. My sons friend who was in the most upmarket shopping mall in Joburg yesterday, was verbally abused by these self same savages, just because he was wearing a star of david. And my friend here, has to live in lockdown when the savages of hamas or the PA step up their genocidal war against Israel, because the nu,mbar of verbal and physical attacks sustained by him rises at times like this. Im having to fetch him to go to the Pro Israel rally tomorrow (where i can guarantee there will be no hate speech nor burning of flags nor assaulting of middle aged ladies) just so that he can make it there and home safely. And what really pisses me off is the half assed lip service paid by the likes of david cameron and obama, and other european leaders, voicing their support of Israels latest defensive operation against the thugs of Hamas, yet their governments and national and state institutions are full of people calling for boycotts of Israel, full of anti semitic rhetoric and are clearly allowing these hateful so called demonstrations to flourish on their streets (with the exception of Paris where i am led to believe they have banned any such so called demonstrations:. Where is these leaders condemnation of what is happening in their own countries with regard the Jews and Israel. It sickens me. And it proves what I have felt ever since i was a kid participating in my Jewish studies lessons at school - that Israel IS the national homeland of the Jewish people. And it IS needed. And thats why, despite my not being able to be there at this moment in time, my heart will always be with Israel. And as for those keffiyeh and burka clad savages and their supporters - well, as my late grandmother Golda used to say - chap ein a meesa meshina! May they all suffer an ugly fate!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 08:09:53 +0000

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