This could prove to be one of the most interesting election Cross - TopicsExpress


This could prove to be one of the most interesting election Cross Riverians will vote on, one that remains me of an old Chinese adage, may you live in interesting times. We are leaving in an interesting time, as many still unfortunately doubt the honesty of Gov Imoke on Northern Cross River having its share on the Governorship. The conspirators have written all manners of stories -it will not be missing equally that some believe the governor is scheming away for his would-be successor...funny! Because we have this mental picture, or perception which are inevitably distorted, as they cannot fully capture the complexity and configuration of our politics, our subconscious minds may want to explicitly define our realities about politics in Cross River State. The facts are that we are sometimes ignorant toward some realities shaping the state politics. Thus, whatever the conspirators believe of reality maybe built on illusion and total misconceptions...can we not agree now that accurate perceptions can easily become outdated if failures to recognize changes in our politics isnt noted. The world is at a critical juncture, and so are you...Go ahead and make your plans...and dont stop learning. But be open to the detours that lead to new discoveries --Kofi Annan. Cross River is equally at a critical juncture. The caucuses were held, and names came out on five top contenders -set in motion toward our state transformation will be the ability of anyone of these five contenders to seriously premise their underlying purpose and priority areas for governance. My respect go out to Ugbos competitors most expecially Commissioner Legor and Senator Ayade, I congratulate them for a strong showing at the caucuses. By all indications, two things are in play inside the house of cards: A Youthful direction or an Experienced Technocrat for GOVERNOR. To me, in view of Ntufam understanding on the workings of our state economy as finance commissioner; his experiences at the National Planning Commission with a focus on development, and as Secretary to the State Government, I have considerable confidence in his leadership to make useful -human development a central focus of his administration. And, by strategically combining the efficiency of a free enterprise capitalistic market with the necessary compassion of governmental economic planning to cooperatively aline his vision on human development will produce for our people the rapid growth needed. The combine formula is a solution for engineering economic growth with a moral human purpose toward our peoples safety net in Cross River. Lets maintain stability, and give serious consideration to who best represent honor, integrity, and dedication. Cross River chose wisely!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 07:03:10 +0000

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