“This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in - TopicsExpress


“This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.” - Will Rogers An Open Letter To Washington Washington, you have a problem. Every week one can only wonder how much crazier things can get as you rush further and further from the people you represent. This week was no different. You spent the better part of it trying to come up with patches and plugs for a new healthcare system totally off the rails – a healthcare system you voted into place without having enough time to even read the bill! Meanwhile, the scandal ridden IRS continues to self-destruct under your watch. Last Thursday the IRS’ Inspector General testified that, More Americans identities were stolen in tax refund crimes in the first six months of 2013 than in all of 2012.” And then there was IRS Watchdog Nina Olson who warned about the erosion of values concerning taxpayer rights at the IRS. Why aren’t you raising the same alarm bell about taxpayer rights, especially given that you made the IRS the super enforcer for the new healthcare system? Perhaps this is why current opinion polls show that used car salesmen are held in higher esteem than your body electorate. Did you even care that this week, Gallup, found that your, approval rating was the lowest it has been in the firms 39 years of asking the question? Do you care that similar sentiments were found by Fox News who identified an overwhelming 86-percent majority thinks elected officials in Washington are doing more to add to the countrys problems than to solve the countrys problems? Regardless of which poll you read, the people you represent have reached the saturation point for what they are willing to tolerate. And just when you had a chance to redeem yourself, youve now backed off the commitment you made to pass fundamental tax reform in 2013. You, ladies and gentlemen are in trouble. If I were you, I would be polishing up my resume and looking at the help wanted ads. Welcome to the daily grind of millions and millions of Americans – the same Americans you promised to represent. There is something, however, that you can do now to immediately restore the faith of the American people in you and their government. You have before you the FairTax plan, HR 25/S 122. No other legislation will have as much impact on the economy, on job creation and on the productivity of the American people as will the FairTax. Robert Townsend said, “True leadership must be for the benefit of the followers, not the enrichment of the leaders.” Unlike the current income tax system, which only benefits the special interests who created the plethora of loopholes and exemptions, the FairTax plan benefits every American citizen through a single rate, national consumption tax. Finally, after 100 years, the American people will take home their entire paycheck free of federal withholding. The American people, not their government, will determine where and how much they pay in taxes, by when and how much they spend on new goods and services. You have before you one of the greatest opportunities that any Congress in our lifetime has been given. If you desire to regain your position of leadership with the people you serve, then listen to them when they ask, beg and plead with you to support and vote for the FairTax. They have read the legislation, they know the bill inside and out and they want a rich and vibrant economy that will provide endless opportunities for those who want to succeed. They want the FairTax. Are you willing to honor their wishes? If not, don’t be surprised on election-day when they find someone who will. Cindy Canevaro Executive Director FairTax.org
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 21:16:16 +0000

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