This country is in real danger of going into meltdown unless - TopicsExpress


This country is in real danger of going into meltdown unless someone in authority gets a grasp of the situation currently taking place in Glasgow. There can be no room for the bigotry that is being openly allowed to be displayed on the streets of our largest city. If this is the Better Together that the unionists have been preaching about, or the feeling of Britishness that moved thousands to to vote No yesterday, then you can keep it. I for one want no part of it. Yet again the coverage by the media is a complete farce. Ive seen enough and been through enough emotions for today so Im off to my kip. Sadly, the referendum result and the subsequent back-tracking from Westminster is not a nightmare that I will awaken from any time soon. Be careful out there. Peace.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 21:36:11 +0000

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