This cracking down on the real names garbage is the exact opposite - TopicsExpress


This cracking down on the real names garbage is the exact opposite of what Facebook said it was doing after the drag queen incident.. The purpose is to target social network users for advertising purposes and to track their every move. I used to think it was beneficial to use facebook as a communication and a business tool. But Facebook now limits fans exposure to their favorite bands posts, unless bands pay so the posts can be seen. The free network now comes at a very very high cost as all of your information is being sold to a third party. All of your posts are being tracked. This is big brother at its worst. If you think the government is not plugged directly into Facebook at this point you are quite stupid. And its VERY obvious why they are forcing people to use their real names. The good news is this means I can begin to break free from my dependency on Facebook as a business tool. Its exciting to think of doing things the old way, distributing flyers around town, spreading the word about things by shaking hands and talking to people. Promoting my band by spending hours on the street passing out handbills and talking to people. That is just good fun. Make no mistake, right now any of us logging into our facebook accounts have a HUGE spotlight on us. Your every word is being tracked, your social security and credit info being sent to tons of advertisers and third parties. Dont take my word for it, do your research. I understand there is always a little give and take with a free site but in the case of Facebook all of that is now at major extremes. And I am completely done. They are controlling what I see on my feed, controlling who sees what I post, they have manipulated feeds for scientific experiments on humans without permission. And now they are manipulating who we are. Forcing users to use correct names. For me that is the signal that even for my 3,000+ friends, I need to step away. Delete my account. And you all should too. I may lose connections with a few people online. I may also remember how to live life out in the world under the sun instead of on a computer screen. I will keep my business page active. And I will still be here for a little bit. But as of the first of December, I think I am going to cut the cord, and delete my facebook account. And my actions will hopefully encourage others to do the same. Facebook is a needle in my arm that needs to be thrown away. That is all.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 19:58:06 +0000

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