This day,4 Years ago today, I lost my first pup, first wee dog to - TopicsExpress


This day,4 Years ago today, I lost my first pup, first wee dog to be truly mine. He was run over by a Van on the 13th, around late morning while I was working in Orkney. I had left him in the care of my partner while I worked all over the country. He passed away in the early hours of the morning, this morning 4 years ago, in his sick cage at the Vets. I made this tribute to Dickie that night after I laid him to rest, not far from where I sit now with my other little dog Toddy. While in no way did Toddy replace Dickie, especially as their characters were chalk and cheese....just smelt the same LOL...there are seldom days when I dont pass by Dickies headstone and not think about him. Sometimes I stop by his grave and reflect, beside the field we played in those last few days he shared my life. While all others in this video have moved on, for personal reasons which I wont go into, but which were hard enough at the time, I treasure the memories of a special friend that showed his love for me as he lay injured, on a drip, in his cage at the local vets. When I arrived, having driven about 85 miles at a speed that is better forgotten, his recognition of my presence, picking his head from the padding he lay on, wagging his tail, mouth smiling, eyes smiling, as he licked my hand, despite no doubt pain from his injuries. He drank water from my hand, there was hope said the last memory as we left him was his eyes,trusting...but I couldnt take him home, his injuries were severe, his pelvis broken. I ken fine that many of you will know the feeling of desolation, when the call came from the vet the next morning........I walked to the vets and carried him home in my arms, I smelt his fur, that smell is with me yet, digestive biscuits, musty digestive biscuits. He looked asleep, and so I lay him in his bed, with his favourite toys, those that had survived his incredible diligence in removing the squeek, usually within minutes, so he could work on them another time. I made his casket, cut and screwed the planks around his bed until I could see and smell him no more. Digging the lair was hard, he would have been better than me, he always could dig, ripping the turf with his teeth, eyes flashing in pursuit of his quarry. I smile as I remember his deer hunting, nothing too big, bouncing from the metre high grass....running with mad abandon, his legs almost too long for a Jack, more akin to a lurcher....but with a passion for life and adventure. And so I share him with you, a special memory, of a special friend..Thank you for your indulgence, thank Dickie for his memories.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 12:51:03 +0000

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