This day, in Jesuss miraculous name, I loose the pure powerful - TopicsExpress


This day, in Jesuss miraculous name, I loose the pure powerful witchcraft breaking law fulfilling heart transforming love of God against every spirit of fear, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of being hurt again, fear of success, fear of staring your business, fear of writing your business plan or vision down, feet of poverty, fear of wealth, fear of fame, fear of the future, fear of intimacy, fear of marriage, fear of abuse or being abused again, fear of the past, fear of the present, fear of authority, fear of church, fear of relationship, fear of truth, fear of oneself, fear of abandonment, fear of not having enough, fear of the unknown, fear if being alone, & all the such like. I command fear to rot and dry up in your life and and cleanse all the lesser demons out with it. We speak division in the camp of the enemy, your destiny is sealed in the blood of the Lamb. We take authority over all scanner spirits, gossiping spirits, run and tell that spirits, and spiritual spies, spiritual eyes, and spiritual bugs in Jesus name. This week your enemies will be exposed & so your true friends will be recognized, no more spirit of disguise or waiting for your demise, you have just been elevated to SEE what you couldnt see before. We negate, & cut off every witchcraft attachment. The assignments of the enemy have just been canceled and broken off your life. We speak blindness, deafness, traitors in the camp of the enemy concerning your life & conversations today. I speak that the trap planned against You, blows up in their face. Every plot, sabotage, death, & sudden destruction, and scheme of the enemy is SHUT DOWN, NOW. The traps they set for you they will fall in themselves. I blow a freezing frost upon all activity not of The Lord concerning you. I loose giant warring angels to do battle against all the demonic activity concerning you today! I cancel the prayers and prophecies that are ungodly & not of The Lord concerning you. We destroy every plan and purpose of the enemy against you and we reestablish the plan and purpose of Yahweh for your life. Receive heavens abundance, receive heavens abundance, receive heavens abundance. You are overflowing with the riches of his glory. You are being saturated and satiated in the wonders of his love, the warmth of his embrace, & the joy of his countenance. We are fulfilling our dreams and receiving our inheritance and harvesting our crops. We will not be robbed, bamboozled, or hoodwinked by the enemy. We will walk in truth, love, and not be deceived or self deceived. Every thing in the dark we expose it to the Light of Christ. Every hidden trap or wicked device we crush and destroy by the voice and sword of The Lord. Satan the blood of Jesus is against you! I release the judgment of God against every spirit of death & destruction, playing games with the mind, mind controlling spirits, the spirit of delay, & the spirit of denial and declare every thing and everyone ordained for you, is coming to you now, in this hour, this season, now! Every thing evil being sent your way, God turns it into a blessing. I loose the spirit of breakthrough that you would break through every wall and every barrier and every unforeseen barrier in the power of Christ. The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them. (Micah 2:13) we decree that the gates are open over your life, your business, your ministry, your husband, your wife, your children, & your career. The floodgates of heaven are released over your life. You have a greater abundance of power and life today because you have Heavens provision, prosperity, protection, & providence. Plunge into the new day of release, thrust into the truth & freedom of what Heaven says concerning you, & divine into the realm of your impossibilities becoming realities.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 19:59:11 +0000

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