This day in U.S. military history, October 22nd: 1862: The Civil - TopicsExpress


This day in U.S. military history, October 22nd: 1862: The Civil War Battle of Old Fort Wayne took place in eastern Oklahoma, then known as the Indian Territory. Native Americans were present in both the Union and Confederate forces, though in smaller numbers on the Union side. The Union force, which was made up mostly of troops from Kansas, included Indian Home Guard units of Cherokees. The Confederate force was largely made up of Mounted Regiments of Cherokees, Creeks, and Chickasaws. The Confederates suffered about 150 casualties and were routed. There were only about 14 Union casualties. 1954: President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized U.S. military forces to train the South Vietnamese. 1962: President John F. Kennedy announced the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba, and that he was ordering a Quarantine of the island by the U.S. Navy to ensure no further Soviet military equipment was delivered. 1972: Operation Linebacker I, the bombing of North Vietnam using Air Force B-52 bombers and Naval aircraft, was concluded after five and a half months.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 20:06:34 +0000

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