This day is glad it is done... so AM I! The day started great we - TopicsExpress


This day is glad it is done... so AM I! The day started great we were on time and the kids were gonna get to eat breakfast at school and I was gonna be early for work. As we were all getting our final thing done Aspen fell and hit her mouth on the tub. INSTANT BLEEDING a lot of bleeding. I got her changed in to a dry diaper and headed the kids off to school. I got them dropped off and to my moms. In the mean time I had called the dentist in Helena and they wanted to see her TODAY asap. She seemed to have knocked her front teeth not out but they moved. I went to work and told my boss what was going on. I then got off at 11. Stopped by the bank, made it to moms to get Aspen, got gas, came home changed clothes and was on the road by 1130 for her appointment at 1! I was doing great. Roads were clear but it was windy. Just after a construction zone, just before Tower Rock State park The wind was bad I was doing 55 and suddenly there was icy drifts on the road. Next thing I know I was spinning and in NO control. What i heard in my head was drive the ditch,Drive the ditch! of course this was my Husband and Fathers voices in my head. Long story to an end. I ended up going in to the median on i-15. I was just in cell phone zone to call 911 and get the highway Patrol on their way. Shortly after the HWP showed up another van slide in the exact same spot i did and was about 400 ft from me. SCARY!! 2 hours later I was back on the road. A great big THANK YOU to Ox and Son towing for pulling me out without damaging our VAN!! I am okay sore and tired. Aspen was more ticked she was in her carseat for so long.....(from 1115-3 then again to get home!) I did call my doc and she said the baby should be just fine with the stage of pregnancy I am. SO with this I give you pictures..... and good night.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 05:18:49 +0000

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