This decision may be the spark that ignites a National discussion - TopicsExpress


This decision may be the spark that ignites a National discussion about Cannabis as a Schedule I drug. Having read the Gonzalz v. Raich decision many times I have always wondered why nobody has looked at Justice Stevens minority dissent and not jumped all over the issue. He clearly opened the door to do so. I suppose the tallest hurdle was finding a Federal Judge progressive enough to hold an evidentiary hearing on the issue. I again remind all of you out there that elections are not just about putting politicians in office, they are about having the ability for those politicians to push through the Presidents nominations on the Federal Bench. The single most concerning effect of the GOP winning the Senate back from the Dems is they can now drag their feet on supporting any of President Obamas appointments in the hopes that a Republican (Conservative) is elected President next. This means there will be tons of vacancies in the district courts, the appellate courts and potentially even the Supreme Court. If a moderate President is elected in 2016, it is more than likely that we will see sweeping Cannabis reform following as Congress can only slow down appointments for a certain period of time before they are seen to be obstructionist. 2 years...ehhhh, sure. But 6 years...No Way! That is why it is so important to Vote and so important to get Congressmen(women) in office that represent what you want locally. If they are not there, then you end up with Conservative judges that do things like, I dont know, throw the book at non-violent Cannabis offenders. We have had enough of that now, havent we? In the mean time, Thank you U.S. District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller (appointed by Obama) for being brave and opining on the constitutionality of the current classification of Cannabis in opposition to the DEA. You are a hero and a true American. thedailybeast/articles/2014/11/04/pot-s-day-in-court.html
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 23:56:08 +0000

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