This demonstrates how the corruption of the religion of Jesus - TopicsExpress


This demonstrates how the corruption of the religion of Jesus (pbuh) progressed in the following stages: 1) Jesus (pbuh) came to show the Jews how their religion had been changed from that preached to them by Moses and their previous prophets (pbut). 2) Jesus (pbuh) called the Jews back to the true religion of God sent down upon their previous messengers. Jesus (pbuh) himself observed every single aspect of the religion of Moses (pbuh) steadfastly and uncompromisingly. He fasted as Moses (pbuh) fasted, he worshipped as Moses (pbuh) worshipped, he refrained from tasting a single pig, he believed in circumcision and himself was circumcised, he observed the Sabbath, never having violated it. He did this up until the crucifixion. It was only after the crucifixion, according to the Bible, that he allegedly returned in “visions” to Paul in order to nullify everything he had spend his whole life upholding. The Bible actually bears witness that during his lifetime, Jesus commanded his followers to follow the religion of Moses (pbuh) and threatened severe retribution from God for all who would forsake a single aspect of this religion until the end of time. 3) Jesus (pbuh) departed from this earth and his apostles continued to follow his teachings religiously. They too followed the religion of Moses (pbuh) as Jesus (pbuh) had done before them and commanded them to do. For the first three hundred years after the departure of Jesus (pbuh), “Christians” would merely be Jews who believed that Jesus (pbuh) was the Messiah. For the first three decades after the departure of Jesus (pbuh), his followers would continue to worship in the synagogues of the Jews and observe all of the aspects of the religion of Moses (pbuh) without exception. 4) Shortly after the departure of Jesus (pbuh), a Jew named Saul of Tarsus persecutes Jesus’ followers severely and kills them. He has never met Jesus (pbuh) in person. 5) Suddenly Saul claims to be receiving “visions” from Jesus (pbuh). He befriends the apostle Barnabas until he manages to replace his reputation as a persecutor and killer of Christians with a reputation as a true convert. 6) Now Saul parts ways with the apostle of Jesus (pbuh), Barnabas, and decides to preach to the Greeks. He claims that the apostles of Jesus (pbuh) are lazy, misguided, hypocrites. He claims that it was necessary for him to constantly guide the apostles out of their ignorance into the truth of God which he was receiving in his “visions.” The Greeks hated the Jews with such a passion that he found it all but impossible to convince them to accept the Judaism that Jesus (pbuh) practiced his whole life and taught his apostles to carry on after him. 7) Saul finds it necessary to “simplify” the religion for the Greeks and make it more acceptable for them. 8) Saul continues to simplify the religion and mold it closer and closer to the Greek’s established beliefs until all that is left is “faith” without work. He then goes on to justify this doctrine of “faith” and give it credibility by claiming that Jesus (pbuh) was not merely a normal human being but a “son of God” and that this “son of God” died in atonement for the sins of all mankind. In this manner, he manages to convince the Greeks (and other Gentiles) to accept the corrupted “religion of Jesus.” This is because, unlike the Jews, the religion of the Greeks already accepts “trinities,” and “father gods” and “son gods,” and the death of gods, and the resurrection of gods, and the incarnation of gods, and divine savior gods, and the eating of the flesh of gods, and the drinking of the blood of gods...etc. All of these concepts are old news to them. He becomes a great leader among them and is named “Saint Paul.” 9) “Saint Paul” now writes extensively and gains more and more “converts.” 10) Once his converts begin to exceed the number of converts to the more strict and demanding religion of the apostles of Jesus (pbuh), they begin to kill the followers of the apostles, persecute them, and burn their Gospels. 11) The followers of “Saint Paul” are challenged to prove their claims of “son of God,” “original sin,” ..etc. through the scriptures and prove that Jesus (pbuh) or God had anything to do with them. They cannot. There are too many verses which declare that there is only ONE God in existence and that He does not hold mankind responsible for the sin of any man. Examples of these verses are available to this day (e.g. Isaiah 43:10-11, Ezekiel 18:19-20, Deuteronomy 24:16...etc.). Thus, it becomes necessary for them to create a “Trinity” similar to the ancient “trinities” of the Greeks and Romans so that they can have three Gods but claim that they only worship one. The ancient “trinities” of Greek philosophy are redefined and applied to God almighty in order to define this new doctrine of “three gods in one.” Once again, the “Trinity” they borrowed from their ancient paganism could not be proven through the Bible, so it became necessary for them to receive divine “inspiration” from God commanding them to “clarify” their Bible so that the “trinity” could be seen clearly (such as 1 John 5:7). These “clarifications” would only be discovered by the scholars of Christianity centuries later. They would later provide irrefutable proof of how, when, and by whom these “clarifications” were inserted into the Bible. Thirty two biblical scholars of the highest eminence backed by fifty cooperating denominations would throw out 1 John 5:7 as a fabricated insertion of the church. Many other fabrications would be discovered by them. 12) In the fourth century CE., the followers of the “trinity” manage to enlist the aid of the pagan Roman empire. They wield the power of this pagan nation to “cleanse” the earth of the “heretical” and blasphemous” followers of the apostles. They later launch campaigns of “inquiry” to “convert” them. 13) “Trinitarian” beliefs are touted as the only truly correct religion of Jesus (pbuh). The writings of Paul are collected and today they form the majority of the books of the new testament. The books of the apostles are burned. They are all “apocryphal” lies.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 04:57:42 +0000

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