This disgruntled voter is not surprised in the least that Mr. - TopicsExpress


This disgruntled voter is not surprised in the least that Mr. Crocodile Tears, cry baby John Boehner got to keep his gig today. This past November, right after the historical landslide that returned so called control back to the Republicans, I said that they would squander it, and things would stay the same. Passing the cromnibus bill with its all too familiar refrains of ObamaCare, (which they also helped to pass and voted to fully fund) cloaked in secrecy,fine print that nobody reads, and resulting thousands of new laws which will reveal themselves as taxes in the coming months and years, was the first proof that I was, unfortunately,right. The second was today. The RINOs voted to keep Obamas stooge in power so they can continue to go along to get along, making life easier for THEM, not us. They flat out lied to us. ESPECIALLY the incumbents.Just to get re-elected to the club. Nothing more.They are laughing at us all because they know there is no accountability. This is further proof also of the fact that there is NOT, NOT a two party system anymore that best represents the People in helping to keep the powers in check as specified in the Constitution- You know, that little annoying document that Obama and his minions like to pretend doesnt exist? Well, Obama aint the only one dismantling it any more. He just got a boatload of support from his enemies. He and his gang are joined by the Republicans who should change their name to, The New Subsidiary Wing of the Democrat Socialist Party of Amerika in collaborating with their hero, Barry The Pied Piper marching us all down to drown in dark waters. The brilliant Scottish historian, Alexander Fraser Tytler, 1747-1813, summed up the meaning of freedom aint free so well, 200 years before it was an empty buzz-phrase. Deep bondage in a nation produces great faith. Great faith produces great courage. Great courage produces great freedom. Great freedom produces great abundance. Great abundance produces great apathy. Great apathy produces great dependence. Great dependence produces great bondage. Ide say he saw it coming, and Ide also say that we have progressed to line 7. Now I see whats coming. At one time in this country, taxation without representation drove people to throw off the shackles of big government. Now I fear it is just another redacted line in todays revised history books.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 02:20:30 +0000

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