This email was sent to me from a friend who is a member of the El - TopicsExpress


This email was sent to me from a friend who is a member of the El Paso County Republican Party, of Colorado Springs, Colorado to let me know a little bit about what’s going on in his back yard. This Morse guy mentioned below is their state senate leader. Colorado has gone blue and the liberals/progressives have control of the senate, house and governor’s office. Morse pushed through a ton of ultra-liberal laws this year and there weren’t enough conservatives to even slow any of them down before they were signed into law. Our governor signed 60 of them day before yesterday. Morse even went so far as to publicly tell his colleagues that they should stop listening to their constituents and stop responding to them. Lawmakers should just ignore the people who elected them and do what was right. Subsequently, Colorado now has some of the strictest gun laws west of the Mississippi, illegals will now be issued state driver’s licenses, faith based adoption agencies that won’t allow gay/lesbian couples to adopt children will be forced to leave/close resulting in thousands of children not being adopted, we will have same day voter registration with no requirement to show a photo ID, mandated green energy laws will raise rural electric bills by a projected 40 – 60%...probably by the end of the year and the list goes on. These people have run roughshod over the state, and unabashedly rubbed it in our faces. Much of their funding and support has come from outside sources. Biden, Bloomberg, Soros and their ilk heavily supported the gun laws. Biden even testified over the phone and praised our politicians for pushing this agenda through. This recall is the first of its kind ever to occur in Colorado, and we expect to see mountains of outside influence and money pour in. Additionally, the new voting laws will go into effect, conveniently, in time for the below mentioned recall election. The doors will be wide open for voter fraud. It’s probably going to be even worse than the recall elections in Wisconsin because Colorado is the test bed for liberal takeover in the west…and, unfortunately, the plan is working very well. There are several multimillionaires in the state that have crafted and are supporting 501(c)(4) organizations (approved by the IRS of course) that shoveled money into the state for the 2008, 2010 and 2012 elections, and they’re at it again. As you know, they don’t have to abide by campaign finance laws…and they don’t. So, here we are. If the progressives win here, like they have the past few elections, you can bet that they’re coming to a neighborhood near you. I fear that the American way of life as we know it is in grave danger. Conservative infighting and perceived intolerance is resulting in loss after loss, and if we don’t band together, our cause is doomed. I’m watching in horror as it’s happening in Colorado. The hard core and moderate Republicans are at one another’s throats. Independents are running away like rats from a sinking ship and liberals are winning elections with alarming regularity. We don’t need to give up our principles, but we do need to band together and find some common ground. If we don’t start winning some elections, we won’t even have a seat at the table. No seat, no representation. In my view, it’s better to elect a conservative with whom I disagree 50% of the time than it is to see a progressive elected with whom I don’t agree at all. It’s happened here. American was built on compassion, personal responsibility, self-reliance and pride. It now seems to be rife with class warfare, gender warfare, political warfare, government dependence, government overreach and malfeasance. Now, we really do need change…
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 05:55:30 +0000

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