This entire Ray Rice issue is overblown. Domestic violence, - TopicsExpress


This entire Ray Rice issue is overblown. Domestic violence, however ugly, is an ancient human practice that aint going away anytime soon. To ladies or whomever is at the receiving end of physical abuse, I say get out of the relationship immediately and dont turn back however, that is not why this story is getting so much pub today. This story is big news because one of Americas most viable and long-lasting trends- DEMONIZATION OF THE BLACK MAN is getting another easily definable booster shot. Make no mistake about it. Americas traditional fear of its original boogeyman gets renewed with incidents such as these, and it doesnt really matter that there are thousands more incidents of domestic abuse committed by whites against other whites. Heck the entire history of American slavery and Jim Crow can be perceived through a domestic violence lense, but you wont see the masses rushing to voice their abhorrence of that hundreds of years of social conditioning. Heck theyll tell you instead, to just get over it. But watch. Just sit back and watch as the Amerikkkan media machine and faux feminists go into manic over-drive to press this story. Ray Rices name will become synonymous with cruelty and violence, but not Thomas Jefferson. And the beat goes on...
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 21:04:28 +0000

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