This evening my tears are close. A picture tells a thousand words. - TopicsExpress


This evening my tears are close. A picture tells a thousand words. There is truth in that. There is a deep sense of joy that emanates from these photos without a single word being spoken. But tonight there is an ache penetrating my heart for that which is unseen. You can see the beaming smile of a mother watching her children at play. What you can’t see is that this mother yesterday sold the family fridge to pay their rent. The rent for a house whose solitary window overlooks a sheep pen, whose ceilings are of plastic and room is but one, for 12 of them. As he looks around the room the father tells me that all he has left to sell next month is the mattresses. Yet still the children giggle. You can see the smiles as paper fish are stuck on the bare walls. You can’t see the dream that each fish signifies. Most poignantly the father’s input; I desire that my family shall live each day in the love and happiness you have taught us. There was no mention of a fridge. 39 day old baby boy lies in his new bed that keeps him off the ant-infested floor. He has nothing, but hope and a lavish supply of love. And with that he is rich. These smiles are my treasure. I have never experienced house that is simultaneously so empty, yet so full. As I look at the broad grin of the boy serving me from his precious supply of tea, I once again learn what abundance truly looks like. I don’t quite know if my tears are happy or sad, but they flow
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 18:23:10 +0000

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