This evenings city council meeting had only a few items on the - TopicsExpress


This evenings city council meeting had only a few items on the agenda. A discussion on getting a new sewer plant is in the works but before the new plant can be built the city must still be in compliance with TCEQ at the current plant. Per the city manager the city has been ignoring request/orders from TCEQ in the up keeping of the current plant for years and know they are paying for the lack of up keeping the current facility. Also discussed was a local intra-government agreement with the City of Crystal City to provide services that Dimmit County is currently not providing. The service that is not currently being provided by Dimmit County is the option of the city marshals not being able to get information on the people they stop for whatever reason. As per the city manager that is placing HER marshals in danger since they dont have the history if there is any history on who they are stopping. My opinion is that those are some of the details that should have been set in concrete before choosing to go forward with trying to start a new city police department. As per the city manager the City of Crystal City has agreed to provide the services at no cost to the City of Carrizo Springs. Some comments made by some council members is that is sad the we have to go outside our community to get services. I think that before they chose to go forward with the project they should have first of all ask the public if they want a pd, second make sure that the city can provide everything that is needed to run a marshal/pd office especially anything that compromises the safety of the officers. As I have stated numerous times I am not against getting more police presence but give the public the choice how they want to get additional protection and dont force it on us as a dictator would/does. One question ask was that if Dimmit County agreed to answer the marshals calls can we leave the City of Crystal City as per the attorney as long as we provide a 30day notice we can leave. My question is that if they are not charging us anything to provide the services why do we have to give a 30 day notice? Per the city manager if Dimmit County comes back and decides to provide the services that they would come back to Dimmit but only if Dimmit does not charge them if not they will continue to stay in Crystal City. There appears to be more to this then they are stating. I wonder if Crystal City will also pick up our cost when our future pd gets sued for whatever reason. Another item was the acceptance of Chris Castaneda resignation as a Marshal and the appointment of his replacement. The cm clearly stated that she called Austin to find out if the posting had to be published for the public and she stated that she was told it was to her discretion to do so, well I dont expect it to be posted I am sure she already has someone in mind to replace Chris as she has for several other jobs. In my opinion the current city charter gives the cm too much power and that needs to be changed especially when that the current cm is over using that opinion to get those she knows in positions instead of getting someone that best qualifies for the position. The council and the cm were going to decide the decision in special session, I left before they came out of special session. The last item discussed was the building of the Pilot where the Balia Inn and restaurant currently stand. As per Pilot they will provide the material and labor to get adequate piping for water and sewer to their business. Currently the Balia is not in the city limits but they are going to annex the area soon. As per the Pilot spokesperson they will possibly be hiring 70-80 people, I dont know where they plan to get that many people around here to run the business, pilot will also have a Taco Bell. I am all for bringing businesses into the area but we also need to work on providing a much better quality of life here, currently we dont have one!! I look forward to the day that our appoint/elected officials and city personal include the citizen they represent or work for the opportunity to voice their opinions.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 02:58:35 +0000

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