This falling down and going boom is getting a bit absurd. Today - TopicsExpress


This falling down and going boom is getting a bit absurd. Today at the CARA Dog Days of Summer, whilst walking along my merry way, not bothering nobody, legs went out from under me and I hit my head square on the asphalt. Felt like a fool. all the wonderful CARA people immediately surrounded me and took care of me. Jack Welch would not let me get up until the hunky firemen came to check me out. Thank you sooooo much for that Jack, I am so grateful. Then when I was leaving, trip tropping down the same damn road, BOOM back on the ground. This time another cluster of amazing CARA volunteers picked me up, put me in the shade, iced me down, got my car from the road and helped me gather my senses. Jack Welch again came to my rescue and made sure I was stable enough to get home. Now I sit here with a growing ankle and a bloody knee, and a goose egg on my crown and wonder how I got so klutzy. I need a bubble
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 00:25:50 +0000

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