This first pic is of me on Saturday happy my CORE supplements and - TopicsExpress


This first pic is of me on Saturday happy my CORE supplements and RVL was finally in. The other three pics are of me helping at my sis s house on her landscaping in late July of 2009. I know this was also the week my Dr wrote the script to put me on cholesterol meds... and that day we were to help her with making her wishes come true for the yard..I couldnt find a single thing in the house that fit me or zipped up. I woke up wheezing and weighed 208 lbs. all week but that morning it was 213. I recall thinking well its water weight or bloat weight. I remember hiding in our bedroom, bawling my eyes out because I was in horrible shape! How could I ever be good help on a landscaping project when I couldnt reach to tie my own shoes without getting a spasm in my armpits? and why wasnt I taking better care of my health? How could I find what was safe for me to eat ever again without 4-5 ER trips per year? I had to find something that would help without putting more stress on my heart, kidneys and liver -but what? It had to come soon because I needed to be better health to help my sis. ..I couldnt walk the length of our small ranch house without wheezing and getting winded. My hip and my feet hurt all the the point that I just thought this was normal for my age. I was only 45 at that time. I had already had a liver biopsy, 2 laparoscopic surgeries, later a heart cath to learn my heart is non-sustained tachyocardic, and Id been told I may need a stint in my left kidney due to scarring. That was my turning point that day at Dianes. But joining the Revolution and getting my first kit of RVL and Ditching The DIET WITH Mark Macdonald was just the beginning of my enormous change on my health. I believe in good Doctors and good Nurses. I believe in getting to the ROOT of the cause rather than slap protocol bandaid on a myriad of symptoms. Alleviate/eliminate the cause is always my focus to get to relief and repair and healing -and use all the best of medical AND Holistic Means. SO...Anyone know of a good Doctor in Barry County who believes like I do? Because when my EMERGENCY April 2014 mammogram ASAP event occurred and I asked for a Thermogram first -was told no and went ahead and got one with my own dime - my Dr. Discharged me DUE TO LACK OF MUTUAL RESPECT. I HAVE TO SAY I COULDNT AGREE MORE. I am certainly not being respected when it comes to supplying the additional needed side by side diagnostic for what was the scariest time of my life. Ruling Out IBC requires the thermogram side by side with the 3-D imaging. Thermograms are not stand alone diagnostics, but show true vasular activity and level of threat. Valuable tool for getting the WHOLE PICTURE NON-INVASIVELY. Things turned out ok. I have to go for genetic screening. But ...All in all, NOT ONE ALLERGIC ER visit in the last 7 years. I feel better than ever before! Due to active juice and Mmun... my immune system is rockin the house! I havent felt this much raw energy since about ..the 2nd grade!!! SERIOUSLY!! I am only weary of one thing these days. ..waiting for friends who see that my health transformation is due to ONE DECISION -MY taking charge of my health BECAUSE MY HEALTH IS PRICELESS and finding ONLY THE BEST PRODUCTS and Only the BEST COACHING. Mark Macdonald, you are an ANGEL sent to us from God in Heaven!!! THANK YOU AND MASSIVE HUGS!!! If you are still whining and fretting about me being all messed up in Mona Vie... take another look at those before pictures please? Mona Vie is and always will be the first and the BEST in nutrition. I dont quit- ever. This will be my thrive mode when I finally reach my goal of 141 lbs. If you think I am in MV to get are sorrily off the mark. I have been in Mona Vie to get my heath back and show others how if I -with 29 severe food allergies can do it- ANYONE CAN. Private Message me for more answers.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 11:11:19 +0000

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