This, from Lynn Flewelling: Ive already heard a number of people - TopicsExpress


This, from Lynn Flewelling: Ive already heard a number of people ask how someone as beloved as Robin Williams could be so depressed that hed take his own life. It doesnt work that way. There is depression in my family. I suffer with it. I have studied it and work with clients who suffer from it. No amount well meaning unskilled support can cure Major Depressive Disorder, anymore than a hundred hugs can cure cancer. Depression isnt rational, any more than cancer is rational. Its a disorder that can cut the legs out from under you when things couldnt be better in your outer life. In fact, when youre clinically depressed and people who mean well say to you things like But we LOVE you! You have so much to live for. Look how successful you are. I wish I had your life! Maybe you should get more fresh air and exercise you may very well be doing more harm than good. The depressed person does not feel worthy of love, and hearing that you love them may cause cognitive dissonance. Hearing how much they have to live for when all they want to do is escape just adds more pressure and makes them feel less worthy. Successful? Hey, you just havent noticed how much a phony I am. Wish you had my life? I dont think so. As for the fresh air and exercise comment, I can tell you from experience that thats like telling a legless man to dance or a blind woman to point out the North Star in daylight. Many talented people suffer from mental illness. Being successful, rich, beloved and all the rest is no cure. In fact, they can make it worse. And lets take talented out of that equation. Many people, people you know, people you pass on the street, people who wait your table or give you a house loan, many people who lead perfectly ordinary lives live with some form of mental illness or a disorder that you have no idea is going on. Be kind. For more information, visit
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:23:37 +0000

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