This from YOUNG LIVING regarding timing issues lately: The last - TopicsExpress


This from YOUNG LIVING regarding timing issues lately: The last few weeks could well fit under the definition of the perfect storm in a dictionary. Between shipping issues, miscommunication, and OOSs, were seeing firsthand the amazing and humbling power of explosive growth. You are all first-row witnesses to the painful but true process of growing from a small tightly-knit organization to a large multi-national enterprise. Is this a bad thing? No. It is the very thing Gary set out to create over 20 years ago, and what we strive to accomplish more every day: Getting oils into every home. More oils are getting into more homes than EVER before. Ever. This growth has revealed and magnified some latent dysfunction in the company insofar as its personnel, systems and process are concerned, but its also allowing for heroic demonstrations of leadership and courage both from you as field leaders, and from your corporate support staff. We feel the pain of growth as acutely as all of you and are absolutely DRIVEN to find solutions expeditiously. You may feel like a small boat caught in an ocean storm, unsure of whats ahead. If you will please remember to not lose sight of the lighthouse-- the reason you joined and are leading this movement-- you wont be lost at sea. Well weather this storm of growth together. Through the storm may temporarily obfuscate this lighthouse view, it is there, nevertheless. We have no fear as corporate leaders that well get through this. None. Growing pains are driving us to innovate and improve in ways Young Living, as a company, never imagined. We are hiring A players every day from nationwide searches, bringing more farms and partner farms onine, and were investing aggressively in new systems and processes to support big growth. AND DESPITE THE HUGE PRESSURE TO SUPPLY, WE WILL NEVER COMPROMISE ON QUALITY. We ask for your continued patience and leadership in weathering this temporary storm together. When we reach the lighthouse, and steady land, we would have done so together-- and well celebrate together. Behind the scenes we are making BIG changes; youll be hearing more about them soon...
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 10:33:57 +0000

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