This from someone in my generational cohort and American war who - TopicsExpress


This from someone in my generational cohort and American war who is also a family member by marital ties....The video is not of real value without his comments, parenthetically included below. Thank you, Charlie Robinson What Jeff Daniels says in this video, may well be an actor playing a role, but the words are filled with honest truth...And the reasons are or should be self-evident......We have forgotten who we are and why we were so successful in becoming a great nation. We are too busy, choosing sides and not paying any attention to what the real issues are. We clamor for more government assistance, oversight and involvement in every aspect of our lives, but still want our freedom....Heres a clue, you cannot have it both ways. There was a time in this country, where we relied not on our government, but each other for assistance. We played not but some dream of Utopian Society, but by honest ideals of a real nature. Sure we have had faults, and some of them were large, but we, as a society were generally better people, more kind and certainly more involved with each other. We knew our neighbors and stood by them in times of distress and hardship. We welcomed the disadvantaged and downtrodden to our country, and only ask that they become good citizens, involved in building our nation and supporting each other.... Today, we have no values, no sense of who or what we are as a people. We scoff at or outright attack, anyone who has a different idea or history than our own. We have two political parties, neither of whom care one iota about the average American citizens well being, even though they both profess to be the only party that does. We have so many regulations and rules, many of which have been put forth by agenda driven politic actuaries, masquerading as concerned bureaucrats, that it is impossible for the average person to be successful to any great degree without running afoul of one governmental agency or another. We have a leadership in Congress that would rather do nothing than admit that the opposition party might have something to offer. Hence, neither party accomplishes anything for the good of the nation. And finally we have a president, who clearly believes that he is smarter than all of his advisers, is above the checks and balances of our legally established system of governance and is entitled to spend prodigious amounts of taxpayers money on vacations, and expensive trips to foreign lands by virtue of his office... Wake up, America...we are not now, nor have we been for many years, the greatest country in the world...
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 01:29:05 +0000

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