This generation has to be the most disrespectful and ungreatful - TopicsExpress


This generation has to be the most disrespectful and ungreatful when it comes to its military and veterans. I think its awfully funny how these left wing politicians and celebrities want to rant and rave behind a keyboard about how these men are cowards and modern nazi propaganda. Let me enlighten a few people on these manners. The English definition of the word, Coward - A person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. Currently in the United States, we are a population of 318.8 million and only 1% of this population has ever put on a uniform to defend this country. No matter what branch you chose, you chose to put yourself in front of others who agree and disagree with what you do, who support and revolt against what you do, and to do something bigger and larger then just yourself. How much shit we didnt want to do but did it anyways and some and yet people in the main light media have the right to call great men like Chris Kyle a coward for his actions. As you are entitled to your freedom of speech and opinion, its the utmost disrespect to put down those such as who have defended your right to have these rights. Secondly, Nazi Propaganda? Enlighten me please. Should we refer to the Nazi Party? The Nazi Party emerged from German nationalist, racist, and populist Freikrops paramilitary culture. They promoted advocacy as a form of socialism. They wanted to improve the Germanic people through racial purity with disregard for the value of individual life which was sacrificed for the good of the Nazi state/Master Aryan Race. Not to mention the Holocaust ring any bells? If you want to compare the conflicts in the middle east to the deaths of over 6 million to the Holocaust, you are comparing two different worlds and two different times. It was a totalitarian regime that was under the control of a chaotic and psychotic leader who not only held power in Germany but power over those with Nazi propaganda in classes of members from General membership, military membership, student membership, women membership, and membership outside of Germany. If anyone can enlighten me on how any veteran and especially Chris Kyle fills this description to an exact of what history actually shows versus what media wants to create please step to the plate. Youre allowed to have your opinion but my god opening your mouth arrogantly, ignorantly, and not in a actual historical fact manner with evidence? You do that. You disrespect us and what weve done for all of you, yet youre too much of a pussy to ever step into our boots and do what we have done, past to present.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:52:45 +0000

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