This gets filed under things I love to hear about…received this - TopicsExpress


This gets filed under things I love to hear about…received this message from a woman I worked with about 5 weeks ago: Dr. Jillian I did what you suggested and have eliminated gluten from diet for about 4 weeks now. I didnt really notice much at first, so I was kind of upset I skipped the stuffing at Thanksgiving, but now I really notice. I do not end the day bloated and unable to zip up my pants. I am way less gassy. My joint pain has reduced by about half, even more so in my hands. My hands are hardly even swollen and I can wear my rings I have not been able to wear for over a year. I got your email about the gluten free lifestyle and I signed up. Thank you for everything. Sometimes the simplest changes have the most profound impacts. And sometimes the things we could change to reap these benefits are right in front of us, but we cant see them simply because theyve always been there and have blended into the background of normal. What if the simple elimination of a notoriously inflammatory, immune-provocative, gas-producing, pain-reaping, digestive disaster food item could not only help your digestive tract feel better, but help clear your mind and reduce your joint pain? What if it cleaned up your skin and reduced headaches and improved anemia and autoantibody counts? Could it be that gluten elimination would make you feel better? The ONLY way to know is to try, consistently, for a period of time, and watch those symptoms. My Gluten Free Lifestyle program was designed for exactly this. Enrollment closes tonight, 9pm EST. #glutenfree #glutenfreelifetyle
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:08:00 +0000

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