This glamor has steadily deepened and intensified as more and more - TopicsExpress


This glamor has steadily deepened and intensified as more and more people have succeeded in resolving the initial physical cleavage and have become centered in the astral consciousness. Today such is the magnitude of this glamor and such the success of the evolutionary process, that humanity, as a whole, is wandering in the fogs and miasmas of the world of sentient consciousness. When I use the word sentient I do not refer to the sensory apparatus of the physical nervous system, but to the sentient awareness of the Self which is today so immersed in glamor that the mass of men are entirely identified with the world of feeling, of quality, of sentient interplay, and of emotional reactions, with their likes and dislikes, and their dominant self-pity. Self-pity is one of the major glamors of the advanced and sensitive man. It is the advanced people who contribute the most to the world glamor. The major glamor is the reaction of the aspirant to the truth, to reality when he first becomes aware of that which lies beyond the astral Plane. He interprets all that he there senses and sees in terms of glamor, of emotional understanding, of a sentient fanaticism. He forgets that truth lies beyond the world of feeling altogether, unaffected by it, and can only be sensed in its purity when feeling is transcended and transmuted. The second major glamor is self-pity. The world today is divided into three groups, all of whom are subject to certain phases of glamor: 1. Those who are Atlantean in their consciousness and are, therefore, completely glimmered by: a. That which is material and to be desired. b. That which they feel in all relationships. c. That which they believe to be ideal, to be true or just, based on their reactions to the thinkers of the day, but which they themselves do not mentally understand. d. That which they demand of beauty, and of emotional comfort. e. That which brings to them spiritual comfort in the realm of religion and religious desire. Note the phrasing. 2. Those who are more definitely Aryan in their consciousness. This means that the mind factor is awakening and thus constituting a difficulty and that the illusions of the mental plane are now added to the glamors of the astral plane. These illusions are theoretical and intellectual in nature. 3. A group of people who are emerging out of those subject to glamor and illusion, and who are alive to the Voice of the Silence and to the demands of the soul. The complexity of the modern psychological problem lies in the fact that our race and period sees the synthesis of all the glamors and the emergence of the illusions of the mental plane. Today we have aspirants at all stages of unfoldment, and find the masses recapitulating the different steps upon the evolutionary way, with the lowest layer of the human race definitely Lemurian in their consciousness, even though few in numbers relatively speaking. Illusion is rapidly growing as the mental power of the race develops, for illusion is the succumbing to the powerful thought-forms which the thinkers of the time and of the immediately preceding age have formulated, and which at the time of their creation constituted the hope of the race. They embodied then the new and emerging ideas by means of which the race was intended to progress. These forms, when old and crystallized, become a menace and a hindrance to the expanding life. The realization of the problems of illusion lies centuries ahead when the race will have left glamor behind, when there will be few Atlantean minded people on the planet, and when there will be no people at all with the Lemurian consciousness. However, as evolution proceeds, things are greatly speeded up, and the time when humanity will be predominantly distinguished by the Aryan consciousness, is not as far ahead as might be generally supposed. I speak not in terms of the Aryan race as it is generally understood today or in its Nordic implications. - Glamor - A World Problem
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 19:14:03 +0000

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