This goes along with the story about the kids stealing mail this - TopicsExpress


This goes along with the story about the kids stealing mail this morning....I stated that they did not know any better.They should , but I honestly do not think schools teach manners, respect, and stuff like that anymore, because they focus more on getting down to the nitty gritty and turning them into little math and science automatons. Lots of parents dont teach this to their kids either. Last summer Collen and I went to the movie in the park hosted by a local church and for church kids, these were some of the most ill behaved kids I had ever seen! Let me go back to when Collen was in kindergarten. He had the same teacher his older brother had, and since Christian was a discipline problem due to his problems, this didnt help Collen to win any points with these ladies. When it came to Christian, they were always constantly complaining, he hit someone. He stole someones toy truck. He wont stay in his seat. I had a job and made the mistake of telling them where I worked because they would constantly call me at work every day and have me come up to the school to deal with him. I was fired from that job because I was spending more time on the phone with the school telling them I was at work and they were going to have to deal with him until it was break time or I got off my shift. Id hang up, theyd call again. The newspaper office I worked for got tired of it. The schools excuse was that they had other kids to deal with.... So, I gave up on having a job because it just wasnt working out. So anyway by the time Collen got there, I guess they expected a similar pattern. He was completely different. But if he used his very normal 5 year old imagination, theyd call and complain. If he told the truth about stuff, he was labeled a liar. Around that time, I was babysitting my niece Cierra a lot so my brother and his wife could work. It gave me some extra money too, so I didnt mind. She was always a good kiddo. But I had no choice but to take the baby with me to a parent teacher conference. The teacher looked at her and goes, who is this? I said its Collens little cousin Cierra. She had the funniest look on her face as she said, oh. There really IS a Cierra. Yep. She fessed to me that she thought Cierra was a figment of Collens imagination and that they were trying to constantly discourage this!!! So even if she WAS imaginary, it was apparently wrong for a kindergartener to use his imagination. This same teacher said he wasnt smart enough for first grade but didnt want him in her class again so she passed him to pre-first. The pre-first teacher said he was TOO smart for her class. He got moved to the most advanced first grade class midway through the school year. They expected him to fail but Cassie Youngblood is an excellent teacher and she pushed him hard and he not only caught up in a short time, he surpassed the others too! For the most part though, kids simply arent able to use their imaginations and when they do very normal things, they are either quelled by teachers, or else they are discouraged from stuff and kids dont often learn from their parents, but yet the schools dont want to waste time teaching kids things parents should be teaching them. I agree with that!!! But some kids also ARE taught better but dont always heed that. I know I was a very defiant brat whose curiosity got me in trouble a lot. The mail thieves from this morning likely know better and dont care or they dont know any better. I would like to think they wont pull this stuff in front of their parents. If I did know them I think I would have let them know what was happening.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 20:09:22 +0000

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