This goes for every civilised country, maybe something we should - TopicsExpress


This goes for every civilised country, maybe something we should all send en-mass to our government leaders and politicians. They have really ALL well and truly screwed our people over trying to force us to be tolerant to a completely intolerant ideology which is Islam... Enough is Enough!! From the UK but it seems oh so familiar!!!!! Have a read!! Great writing!! Kate HurstPEGIDA UK GROUP TO MR CAMERON, AND ALL PREVIOUS AND CURRENT TREACHEROUS LEADERS. You allowed a religion called Islam into the our Countries! You told us it was peaceful! You told us to accept it with open arms! You told us we had to be tolerant and exclude it from criticism! You told us to accept it with the utmost respect! You told us our children should embrace it in British schools! You told us the face veil was a religious requirement! You told us Halal slaughter is acceptable and must be accepted in all establishments! You allowed the buildings of mosques in our towns in their thousands. You told us we must integrate and accept this community cohesion! You said all thIs!! While you sit in your tax payer funded million pound mansion eating caviar, and drinking champagne. Well.. I dont accept Islam being forced upon my Country or fellow citizens. Its far from peaceful after the violent attacks and train of terror its imposed on our British values. I have been tolerant and patient only to find its the most intolerant, unsociable, bigoted cult ive ever witnessed. And it absolutely deserves critising. Respect is earned through trust. Exactly how do you expect your people to respect something that is subhuman to mankind? My children will not be indoctrinated by the teachings I regard to be nothing more than child abuse. Where in the Quran Incidentally does it say the burka is a religious requirement? Its a form of segregation and statement of control, and incompatible with western society. I will never accept the cruel actions of Halal slaughter and regard it to be a barbaric act of sadism. The floods of mosques we now have in our Countries are nothing more than statements of wealth in the face of islamic indoctrination. As for community cohesion... Dont make me laugh, it doesnt exist and nor will it ever exist. Muslims dont want to integrate, live or adapt to that Countries Culture. It seeks supremacy over anything unislamic while creating racial tensions, ghettos, special privileges, hate, and fear into anyone that isnt à Muslim. YOU RELEASED A MONSTER ON YOUR OWN PEOPLE... YOU TRAITORS!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 06:16:33 +0000

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