This goes to my two friends who are also my brothers in social - TopicsExpress


This goes to my two friends who are also my brothers in social struggle: one Samuel Kimeu (Country Director of Transparency Kenya) and two Mwalimu Mati (Chief Executive Officer of Mars Group Kenya). Its long since we met and talked. Hope you are doing well whenever you are. I am doing this epistle to you from where i am for only one intention. To invite you to Kilifi County. We call it a magical county. This time you are not coming to holiday and witness the normal magic we are used to such as the tourist and other natural attractions. You are coming to evidence the other magic. The magic of County Governance. This is the only County where procurement of motor vehicles (for use by County Officials) can last for almost a year. This is the only County where service delivery centers can be quickly and secretly privatized such as the Magarini waybridge. My two friends, when you come to this County, you will see a building just near Kilifi Police Station being renovated as the new office of the Kilifi County Governor. Kindly collect public views on the cost of this renovation and you will will wonder how inflated it is. This is the only County with a Governor who resided outside the county promoting an economy of another county of Mombasa. Until recently the Governors residence was acquired in Kilifi for a cost of 168m against the market price of 60m. This is the only County where very soon we will have a Governor who will be riding in a speedboat to his new office from his newly acquired residence through the Kilifi Creek. This is the only county with the Governor whose Office will have a private chamber serving him as a bedroom for him to have naps when he is tired. This is the only County that has witnessed the most controversial recruitment of key officials mainly chief officers. To ascertain that, it is clear that almost all county ministries (apart from two) will be served by two chief officers). This is the only County that might fail to spend even 1/4 of the development budget if my assessment and prediction is anything to go by. And if it happens otherwise, then spending will be more of possessions instead of priorities, not what can be done to change lives of Kilifi People but what can be done to change those in power. This is the only County where its Governor has made three foreign trips to window shop office furniture wondering where the procurement officials are. It is our County. So magical indeed. But dont forget to drive to the interiors: i.e. Dungicha, Langobaya, Marafa, Magarini, Mrima wa Ndege, Ndigiria, Tsangastini, Mtsengo, Vwevwesi, Mbuyuni, Junju, Gongoni and many other areas unmentioned. You will be shocked by the amazing level of economic illusion, apathy, desperation and stagnation in many faces of the people. You will find children playing outside their homesteads for lack of school uniforms alone. You will find women walking for many kilometers away in search of water. You will find mothers dying for lack maternal health care. You will find peoples skins shrink for lack of food for many days. You will find many youths idling around coz they have no jobs. My two two brothers, your institutional capacities are known to be able to help to establish whether all these allegations are true or false. As a voter and citizen of this county, i yearn for a county leadership that is more responsive and responsible to the needs and aspirations of its People. Political Ego and administrative arrogance by some county leaders and officials is costing this county heavily. As one of the people in Kilifi County and like many in the county, i am also crying for an alternative. The only alternative for now is to address these issues head on. It needs courage and determination like that of you two brothers to address them. I dont mind if i will end up being a target for elimination. But is better to die while standing for the truth and for the oppressed than dying while clobbered and suppressed by claws of bad governance. May God help Kilifi County. Similani Kisha Bai.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 18:15:02 +0000

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